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Life coaching improves your life


Improve your self-confidence?

improve your relationships?

Evolve to the highest and best version of you?

Reach your goals faster?

Improve your work-life balance?

Then life coaching could be for you.

The benefits of using a trainer extend far beyond acquiring a new lens to view challenges. Coaching clients gain a deeper awareness and new levels of understanding. These are not one-time events, but rather life-changing perspectives that embed themselves in the client’s way of thinking. The coaches allow their clients to create the necessary mindset to sustain the change. Successful trainers help their clients maximize effectiveness and generate results.

“The training is designed to help you stay focused, to practice ‘planning abandon’ of opportunities that would simply serve as distractions.” — Laurie Beth Jones in her book jesus life coach

According to the Global Study of Coaching Clients commissioned by the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching clients experience the following coaching benefits:

80% experience increased self-confidence

73% experience improved relationships

70% experience an improvement in work performance

67% experience a better work-life balance.

What is most revealing is that 99% of all companies and individuals who hire a trainer are satisfied with the experience. Additionally, 96% said they would repeat the process. “Coaching generates learning and clarity for future action with a commitment to measurable results,” according to ICF.

The ICF survey also shows that the vast majority of companies (86%) say they have at least recouped their investment. Furthermore, the survey indicates that professional coaching provides a very good return on investment (ROI) for clients. According to the study, “median personal ROI indicates that those seeking financial gain can expect a return in the range of 3.44 times their investment.”

“When a society is wealthy and successful, its people begin to ask not only what is there to get out of life, but how can I live a worthwhile life.” — Dr. Martin Seligman, past president of the American Psychological Association and author of authentic happiness

What exactly is life coaching?

ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s complex and uncertain environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his life”. and work and believe that each client is creative, resourceful and complete. On this basis, the coach’s responsibility is:

Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve

Encourages customer self-discovery

Obtain customer-generated solutions and strategies

Hold the customer accountable and responsible

This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while enhancing their leadership skills and unleashing their potential.”

The Coaching Institute, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, defines coaching as “a change process that mobilizes strengths and realizes the potential of individuals and organizations. The practice of coaching incorporates a unique skill set designed to optimize performance.” of a person or organization in various fields, including leadership, health care, and public service.”

In what areas do most people seek life coaching?

Individuals, corporations, and organizations hire trainers for a variety of reasons. Trainers are often hired to quickly and effectively determine the root cause of a problem. The coaches then guide their clients in creating a new mindset that will sustain the change. This new mindset allows clients to maximize their effectiveness.

Interestingly, 58% of ICF respondents participated in life, vision and improvement coaching, followed by business coaching (36%), leadership coaching (33%), executive coaching (30%), career transition coaching (25%). %) and relational coaching (17%).

Additionally, a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, “What Coaches Can Do for You,” defines the top 3 reasons coaches are engaged: (1) develop high-potential people or ease transitions for people, (2) act as a sounding board, and (3) address derailing behavior.

Life coaching versus therapy

Life coaching and therapy use different methods and tools. The most frequently cited difference is that coaching focuses on the future while therapy focuses on the past. According to ICF, “career coaching focuses on setting goals, creating results, and managing personal change.” A key differentiator between coaching and therapy is that coaching is viewed as a plan of action as opposed to an exploratory process.

As noted leadership guru Warren Bennis observes: “Much of executive coaching is actually an acceptable form of psychotherapy. It’s still hard to say, ‘I’m going to see my therapist.’ It’s okay to say, ‘I’m getting advice from my coach.’ “.

According to the HBR article, “What Coaches Can Do for You,” authors Coutu and Kauffman state that while there are obvious overlaps between consulting, coaching, and therapy, there are also clear differences. More specifically, coaching focuses on the future, fosters individual performance in a business context, and helps executives discover their own path. While therapy focuses on the past, dysfunction and psychological disorders.

Still not convinced you need a life coach?

Not only professional athletes hire life coaches, but also highly successful businessmen, executives, authors, and the like. Still not convinced you need a life coach? Then hire a life coach because former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Microsoft founder Bill Gates say “everyone needs a coach.” Watch this short video where Gates and Schmidt discuss the benefits of life coaching.

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