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Much of what once was has been lost

The title of my article is a quote from the fictional character “Galadriel”, the lady of the woods of Lothlorien, an elven queen who possessed one of the powerful rings, which author JRR Tolkien wrote about in his fictional book series entitled ” The Lord of the Rings.” In the movie that was adapted from the first book, Galadriel says, “Much of what once was is now lost because no one now lives to remember it.” That quote could have been a bad start for the character’s relationship with the audience that sees (the movie) and reads (the book), because she was still alive and a part of it. Sauron, the antagonist of the series (bad guy) gave him one of her rings to harness her power during the “once” time.

Long-lived people (and fictional characters) seem to have an advantage over the rest of us. They have more time to learn and apply lessons in life. They can see repeating patterns, which could lead them to gain power, wealth, love, admiration, and control beyond what a human (or fictional character) is expected to achieve in a normal life. Read JRR Tolkien’s books if you want to see how far an author goes in describing details to explain fictional relationships (among humans, wizards, elves, dwarves, orks, etc.). Watch the movies if you want to see how far a movie producer will go in presenting carnage as a way to make a profitable movie.

Search the web for Deuteronomy 34:7 to see how long a real human lived. Biblical scholars have found evidence and agree that the long-lived Moses possessed and practiced these human qualities during his lifetime: Absolute Faith in God, Integrity (morality, ethics), Foresight (thinks strategically, to plan and support level of God), Firmness (he stops like a rock in the face of a personal threat), Faith (God trusted and obeyed). Do you see why God selected Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt, into the land that he (God) had promised Abraham? Most importantly, this would be a journey of the Hebrew people to form their relationship with God, a time in which God shaped them to be worthy of having chosen them. A strong human leader was the way God chose to communicate, and that leader, Moses, was also the way to communicate with humans at that time, until todayY beyond!

Moses’ task seemed simple: accept God’s approach to him, listen to what God told him to do, and do it. That last part required him to stand close to the thousands of Hebrews, to explain to them what God wanted them to do and lead them to do exactly that. This was one of the most difficult relationships a human being has ever had to achieve. Think about the faith of Moses. Moses had appeared before the Egyptian Pharaoh (King) numerous times (as God told him to do) and described God’s wrath (a series of plagues) that would only stop when Pharaoh freed the Hebrew people from slavery.

Now imagine Moses leading thousands of families to the Red Sea when he learns that Pharaoh has sent his army in pursuit of the Hebrews, led by chariots (the means of crushing Egypt’s enemies) pell mell ( headlong, in a fit of rage). ). This is the kind of scenario generals dream of, to pin an opponent’s army against an immovable obstacle (like the Red Sea). Moses did not know that God would move the immovable; God parted the Red Sea to allow Moses and the Hebrews to cross over to the other side.

Do you remember how long Moses lived? For about 40 of those years, Moses lived in the presence of God, who spent 40 years of his time shaping the Hebrew people to be worthy of being called his (God’s) people, and he did so through Moses. Moses wrote his experience, the way God told him to. These are the first 5 Books (of the Old Testament) in the Christian Bible. Web search Genesis 1:26. Who we”? Clearly, it is God, but who else is God referring to? Note that he read a quote from God himself, passed on to Moses, who wrote it down (assume this is a means for us to know something God wants us all to know).

Web search Genesis 1: 1-2. The first verse identifies God, and the second verse identifies “The Holy Spirit” as two components of “us.” Web search Colossians 1: 15-17 (a book in the New Testament) from the Christian Bible. It is about Jesus, the third component of “us,” more commonly known to Christians as “God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).” God, the faceless creator, has a face (Jesus), and passes grace from him to each of us (communicates) through the Holy Spirit.

Today is December 21, 2021, 4 days before Christmas, time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ promised by God. Web search Revelation 5: 11-13. Think about what you believe about God in three persons, about the creation of humanity, and why it might make sense to you that God loves us all so much that forced the human birth of a part of himself that has existed since the beginning of timeso that he could walk among his chosen people, to teach them and allow them to sacrifice him for their own sin.

The Lord of the Rings is a beloved fictional tale, but the true story of who we are, why we are here, and who truly loves us is found in the Christian Bible. much of what was not lost. I hope you begin to understand it, grow in your faith, and share what you learn with others. Do that and rest assured that Jesus is there with you (Matthew 18:20). Merry Christmas.

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