
Muscle stretching exercises and the many benefits

Muscle stretching exercises are important for dancers, cheerleaders, athletes, and fitness buffs. But if you’re neither of these, stretching is even MORE important, because you may be neglecting this aspect of your health and not even thinking about stretching as part of your wellness.

Are you in a high-risk group for getting older and stiffer faster? If you’ve never gotten much exercise, sit at a desk or computer station all day, stand on your feet all day, or work a job with restricted but repetitive movements, go for it. Even if the muscle pain hasn’t started, sorry to tell you, it will.

Neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, wrist pain and more.

However, I also have good news. A special type of workout can be easily picked up and learned, with a gentle stretching warmup, delicious upper body stretches with exercise, and then some challenging core muscle work. She finished with more relaxing, super stretchy and calming yoga moves.

Our neck, shoulder, chest, upper arm, forearm, and wrist/hand muscles are easily overloaded by desk and computer work.

The same goes for standing on your feet all day, even if you have a thick rubber mat to take the pressure off your skeleton.

Dentists, dental assistants AND chairside patients need to be ready for an effective stretch after their strenuous work. It’s not that it’s tiring, but the required concentration and precision work limits the movement of muscles and joints.

Many people over the age of 40, but not in their 50s, have already developed a stoop. When they try to straighten out, it’s hard. This is usually due to stiff upper chest muscles. Neck and shoulder muscles work in the wrong positions, all day, every day.

Shallow breathing is the only possibility if you stand in a hunched position with round shoulders. And you will look older than you are!

This type of condition can be reversed. With the right gentle approach, you can coax your physique back into proper posture.

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