
Plantar Faciitis – Causes and Natural Treatment Through Stretching and Exercise

When the arch of the tendon, the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed, it is called plantar fasciitis. This is trauma that can result from overuse and causes heel pain that can move throughout the foot. This condition is also known as a heel spur, although the two conditions are not the same. A heel spur is a bony growth, while plantar fasciitis is the plantar fascia or arch tendon that thickens from under the heel to the forefoot, causing rupture, inflammation, and pain.

Those who suffer from plantar fasciitis may experience heel pain that is felt below the heel area and on the inside of the sole of the foot. If you play intense sports, like tennis and basketball, where you’re always moving or shuffling, you’re at high risk for plantar fasciitis. People with this condition usually feel the pain more in the morning. After walking for a while, the bread tends to give way.

The cause of plantar fasciitis is usually a tight calf muscle. Tight calf muscle can lead to extended pronation or rotation of the foot. This produces repetitive overstretching of the plantar fascia, which will then lead to inflammation and thickening of the tendon. After thickening, the fascia will lose flexibility and strength.

The most beneficial method of treating plantar fasciitis is to rest until you no longer feel pain. When you walk on an injured area, such as your foot, you perpetually re-injure it. This will keep the area swollen. You will be able to de-stress the plantar fascia by affixing strips along the plantar fascia to help de-stress the area.

After you have taken the most important step in treating the plantar fascia, you should apply ice to the affected area. By employing cold therapy, you can reduce both the pain you feel and the amount of inflammation present.

Next, you should try to stretch the plantar fascia, as it is when you stretch it that you are preventing the injury from coming back. When the tendon is not stretched at night, it will feel sore the next morning. You will be able to relax your plantar fascia as you flex it while sitting at your desk or on your couch watching TV.

Night splints may be worn during sleep to help keep the tendon flexed and stretched. You can also wear shoe inserts to help keep the tendon stretched and flexible while you walk.

With proper attention to rest, stretching, and increased flexibility, you can experience much less pain and a healing of tendon inflammation. As with other forms of tendonitis, rest is the most crucial component to healing, but it is often the advice that is most often ignored.

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