
Quantum physics and the law of attraction: what’s the link?

If you’ve heard of the law of attraction, chances are you’ve also come across mentions of quantum physics. At first glance, these two themes seem worlds different from each other. But if so, why do people mention quantum physics and the law of attraction together, as if there is a deep link between them? Let’s take a look at why these two seemingly diverse topics receive simultaneous attention and mention.

What exactly is quantum physics?

Quantum physics is that branch of physics that deals specifically with quanta. The quanta are nothing more than tiny or indivisible parts of energy. Quantum physics is based on certain crucial fundamental facts. First of all, it makes a very clear point that the quantum world is totally different from the world we live in. He then establishes that the elementary particles of quanta can exist in both wave and particle form.

There are many other complex issues discussed in this topic, but what matters to people like us who are investigating the relationship between quantum physics and the law of attraction are the strange results of some of the experiments performed. The double slit experiment, the Copenhagen interpretation, and Schrödinger’s cat experiment are prime examples.

double slit experiment

The double slit experiment revealed that energy particles could exist in both particle and wave forms and the mere act of observation by an observer could cause the particles to behave differently than they previously did (without observation).

Interpretation of Copenhagen and Schrödinger’s cat

The Copenhagen interpretation also states that particles can take waveform or particleform depending on the observation. In simple words, it means that events can take a turn according to the act of observation. Schrödinger was a physicist who proposed the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment to further explain this. According to this thought experiment, a cat (assumed) that is locked in a box with a radioactive counter and hydrocyanic acid could be alive and dead at the same time, both being real states.

The final result of the experiment will depend on the observation made when opening the box to see how the cat is doing. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the act of observation is the decisive factor that determines the reality of the result.

Applying Quantum Physics to the Law of Attraction

Our thought processes are a form of energy and the smallest part of this energy is called quanta. We already know that quantum physics establishes that these quanta can exist as waves or as particles. We also know that the decision of the quanta to appear as waves or particles depends/can change according to the act of observation by the observer.

In a deeper understanding, what we can infer is that our thought processes can project/create a reality, and that reality is entirely dependent on the act of observation by us. Or in simpler terms, we see what we think/want to see. We create our own reality according to the energy released by our thought processes.

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