Home Kitchen

Redesigning the kitchen layout of your foreclosed home

One of the reasons most people prefer to buy foreclosed properties is because of their affordable prices, especially when compared to other types of homes for sale. If you’ve recently purchased a foreclosed home, you can continue with affordable renovations by considering the following tips for redesigning your kitchen.

Basic types of kitchen designs

The easiest and best way to redesign the kitchen in your new foreclosed home is to think about a design first. The most commonly used types of kitchen designs are listed below. One of them is likely to follow your new home.

single line design

The single line layout is also known as the single wall layout. It is more appropriate for use in homes with small kitchen spaces. With this type of layout, you have all the kitchen equipment and appliances lined up on one side of the room. The other half of the room is usually made up of just space for you to walk around.

This type of kitchen can usually only accommodate small to moderate-sized equipment and furniture. You would also need to maximize the use of vertical space by installing wall-mounted cabinets, as well as using ceiling-mounted shelves for wine bottles, glasses, and other types of kitchen utensils.

L-shaped layout

This type of layout usually consists of having the sink at the shortest end of the room and the rest of the equipment and appliances lined up on the other side. Again, there usually isn’t enough space left over to include a work table or island.

Sinks are often separated from the rest of the kitchen equipment in this type of design because it minimizes accidents. Everything that needs to be washed and rinsed is done in the sink while everything that can be prepared in its freeze-dried form can be done on the other side.

two line design

This type of layout is appropriate for moderate-sized kitchens that can accommodate more cooking equipment but don’t have enough space to include a worktop or island in the center of the room. It’s also easier to keep the kitchen organized with this type of layout.

For example, you can adapt the usual layout for L-shaped layouts by keeping the sink and dishwasher—that is, everything to do with washing and rinsing—on one side, while everything else is done on the other. opposite side. Another ideal arrangement would be to have all the equipment related to grilling and baking located on one side, while everything that needs to be fried, cooked or grilled can be prepared on the opposite side.

U-shaped arrangement

A U-shaped layout is more appropriate and useful if you have a large kitchen in your new foreclosed home. This type of layout also allows you to be even more organized. Anything to do with storage, like cabinets and your fridge, can be on the shorter end of the layout, while anything to do with food preparation can be split between the two longer kitchen lengths. .

island layout

Lastly, those with a lot of space to work with when redesigning their kitchen should seriously consider using this type of layout. It can be a modified version of the U-shaped, two-line or L-shaped design. The only difference is that it has an island or work table in the center and can double as your dining room.

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