Legal Law

Sacrifice 101: The story of a working law student

Facebook could be one of the best resources to update us with the latest jokes from our former loved ones, enemies, old and current friends and/or members of our bloodline (inbreeding). This social network provides us with the guilty pleasure of “roller coaster” emotions of cursing and cursing. Comparing him, her with who you are right now, making the former the villain, while you are the better, the superhero. How about learning words and thoughts of wisdom from several decent posts on your FB friends’ wall? Where are you able to find the same “Aha!” moment I had?

“Sacrificing what you are today for what you will become.” I read this off my classmate’s wall in law school. Read it, it marked my heart forever, this is the definition of my life, and among others that have been living under the roof of hard work and passion to achieve the goal(s).

A year ago, I was a freshman in the field of “law and justice”, I took the entrance exam as if it was the most difficult thing I would face in the next five or six years of my renowned student life, I prayed hard to pass, calling the school register every hour to make sure I made it, I attended the first day as if I was still in college, a typical “Hello classmate, see you and say hello”, in short, a childish tete-a-tete . Remembering it is a shame. 9AM 2011, in the library, all the geeks gathered under this huge table that occupies the huge forced empty space of our library. A sanctuary of silence, not listening to whispers, all serene with their good spine postures, a lot of discipline. It’s orientation day. To my surprise, it was an orientation on par with what I have attended, no longer the “hair, nails, uniform must be like this” type, but: What is a case? How to make a case summary? Reference reading sequence/s of law and material/s: book, case and codal. What are the tools to use in legal research? This is hypothetically foreign to a natural or legal person whose parents are citizens of the Philippines but neither is a lawyer. There is no family home orientation, we just have a set mindset “we want to be lawyers”.

Going through, understanding and remembering what was read was a challenge due to several factors, as it is in English, intellectual sui generis of those English vocabularies, as I say. This is not science with scientific methodology, next scientific theory; finally a few tastes, a fact. In law, everything is “what the law says so”, “what the law provides”. I cannot lie to someone inept and equipped as to the legality of the context. This English is very intellectual. Criminal law cases turned my stomach, a literal nightmare. Who said that sleeping will be as free as 8 hours when we were younger, lucky those who have slept at least four hours at most.

I thought running alongside Ayala to catch up with my 5:30 pm class is the excruciating physical effort of my life. Unfortunately, one day, I woke up condemned, I thought I was close to missing out on what I started three and a half years ago, because I’m a law student. School, reading, and attendance are my top priority among others that are priorities. Being a working law student is the biggest challenge. Hearing plunking and receiving poor grades from some of my classmates, they missed reading by attending their business or career mode income school paper. The work can be a little prejudiced, affected, and these are only the partial challenges that we sacrifice every day to demonstrate “sacrificing what you are today than what you will become.”

Yesterday, summer enrollment, my student record says “Sophomore.” So, if I was able to do it in one year, then there is no reason why it would be impossible to improve my status to “graduated” in the next few years. Law school forces us to be strong, to live in humility and not in ruins, to work hard in study and reading, to love knowledge, and to pray to God for guidance and luck.

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