
Save Money on Gas: Find Out How Hundreds Get Better Mileage Every Day

Save money on gas easily with an HHO conversion. Did you know that hundreds of people and businesses are converting their cars every day to run on water? Before you think I’m talking rubbish, I urge you to read on and review the engineering science behind this concept in this article.

Surely you can’t run a car on water!

You’re right. You can’t run a car on just water. Your engine will not run on water either. But you can turn the water into something else and then combine it with gasoline to get better mileage. Is that how it works.

HHO generator

A converted car has something added to it called an HHO generator. This looks like a small water jug ​​with a pair of electrodes inserted.

When electricity is applied, a common scientific process called electrolysis occurs. The water (mixed with baking soda) undergoes a chemical reaction and produces HHO, also known as Brown’s gas or oxyhydrogen.

Combine HHO and gasoline

If you didn’t already know, your engine doesn’t run on gasoline alone. It cannot work with a pure liquid like gasoline. Instead, your car already mixes gasoline and air to form a fine mist in the carburetor or fuel injection system. This is then injected into your engine to burn it up and produce movement.

In a hybrid car, HHO gas is added to the existing mist, and then this new mixture is burned in the engine. So why would we want to burn this new mix?


This new mix will allow you to get more power and burn less gas per mile traveled.

Not only that, but per mile driven, your emissions will be lower and you may qualify for an IRS tax deduction. Due to the cooler engine temperatures, your car will also experience a longer life before it needs a rebuild or service.

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