Lifestyle Fashion

Sea salt and its many uses to attract wealth

Hello once again! I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s article mentioning some ideas to help bring prosperity and more love into your life. I actually went out yesterday and bought some sea salt to help clear my crystals and add good luck to my home. I’ll be sharing more about sea salt ideas and its purifying abilities, as well as sharing even more ideas for bringing richness into your life.

So what’s the deal with sea salt? Any kind of salt won’t help? No. I’m sorry to inform you, but it has to be sea salt. It has to do with the negative ions from the moving sea which will help stimulate the negative chi (Qi) to move forward and help attract the good kind of chi that these exercises are determined to offer you. Table salt simply does not have these purifying properties. Haven’t you noticed how the Japanese delight in their bathing rituals? There really is something about the negative ions in moving water that removes bad chi from life and a sense of well-being.

So where do we start today? First let’s start by getting some sea salt, I have located a few places to get sea salt at rock bottom prices online. See the link below, but let me tell you that sea salt is a very important tool for applying Feng Shui exercises and tasks. to your rituals to help heal and cleanse while clearing the chi around you and your home. You can also find sea salt at your local grocery store, and do yourself a favor and don’t try to use table salt or even kosher salt, both of which I love to use in my kitchen, but this is for Feng Shui. spent. Of course, of course, if you are buying sea salt, use it freely in your cooking. I prefer to use sea salt of course as with all the types of salts i can use.

So now you have your Sea Salt, what’s next? Here are some tips on how Feng Shui practitioners recommend their clients use to help bring luck and wealth to their clients.

  1. Place a teaspoon of sea salt and wrap it in plastic and place it in your wallet in a secret compartment. Replace every ten days to ensure potency. This is said to bring wealth to the owner of the wallet…
  2. Place sea salt in the center and back of your front door, this is said to bring luck and wealth to all who enter as well, and yes the rule of changing it every ten days also applies here to ensure potency to bring wealth. luck and good chi.
  3. Also, if you’re really in a bind, put sea salt in every corner of your house, just use small plastic containers, say the ones you might get when you order salad dressing at a restaurant. Put the sea salt in them, cover them if you can, then place them in each corner where two walls meet. You may need an extra box of sea salt for this, but since sea salt is relatively inexpensive and you need to attract wealth, this really helps absorb any negative energy your house may harbor. Again, it changes every ten days.

The best time to perform any or all of these tasks is at the beginning of the new moon. Since the power grows as the new moon turns into a full moon, while the power goes out after the full moon.

There are many other uses for sea salt besides making your dishes taste great while helping to bring luck to you and your home. Remember that yesterday I talked about the importance of cleaning and decluttering your home just before Chinese New Year. This is also the best time to bring any crystals, quartz and stones that you can use to bring good energy into your home. If you are interested in reading my other Feng Shui articles, feel free to stop by Divaliscious Feng Shui Tips for more information.

Wash the crystals with soap, then place them in a bowl of salt water made from sea salt. If you can, even better is to soak them overnight under the light of the full moon. The next day, you should also leave at least four hours in the sun to finish the cleaning process. This is said to clear the energies of the past year and replenish the good chi in the crystals and stones he has placed in his home.

Using suncatchers also works great, as do crystals that reflect all the colors of the rainbow. When hung in sunny windows, the multifaceted colors help maintain and bring good chi into your home. This is especially important in your home office and bedroom along with the kitchen areas of your home.

Beginning with the new moon of this month, I performed several of the rituals that I have already mentioned here. I placed a dark blue mug and filled it to the brim with sea salt and placed it in my kitchen on a dry area which is said to bring happiness to couples. I also grabbed some sea salt and put it in plastic and put it in my wallet. I also marked on my calendar when the ten days will be up to remember to change the sea salt. I also did some other rituals that I have been doing for months and which are on Fridays burning incense in each of the rooms in my house and blessing each room and everyone who enters it with health, happiness and harmony along with prosperity.

Any effect so far? Okay, yes! I’m glad I was finally able to purchase some much-needed domain names today before others picked them up. Some of these will be very important to me in the coming months as I have several projects I’m organizing and the need for these domain names to set up these jobs online is extremely important. My perspective is very good and confidence is high. I also noticed that my partner and love of my life was suggesting interesting new dinner ideas to help spruce up our dinner parties at home last night. Our relationship is smoother than ever and with each passing day I am more confident that I am in a “right and right” relationship that is healthy and harmonious. And hey, who doesn’t want that in their life?

So try some of these fun tips for attracting wealth today and see their positive effects for weeks to come. Mind you, these have been used for years in both China and Japan and by serious Feng Shui practitioners and followers.

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