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Starcraft 2 Protoss Strategy: 3 Important Things To Do

Here are some Starcraft 2 strategies to play as Protoss.

Disclaimer: There is no single formulated strategy that will make you win as a Protoss. The reason for this is that your opponent will not do exactly the same thing every time you play, and each player plays differently.

Although there is no magic wand, here are some key things that can give you an edge.

1. The first thing is to explore, explore, explore. Knowing what your enemy is up to gives you a great advantage. You can be ready for any race by building a build opposite to what the opponent is building.

Here are some examples of a counter construct.

Zealots are great counters for Stalkers, Immortals, Marines, Thor, and Zerglings.

Stalkers can counter Void Rays, Carriers, Hellions, Reapers, Mutalisks, and Brood Lords.

Sentinels are good at countering Zealots, Porters, Marines, Zerglings, Hydralisks, and Mutalisks.

Immortals can counter Stalkers, Colossus, Marauders, Thors, Roaches, and Ultralisks.

Colossi are great at countering Zealots, Sentinels, Marines, Demons, Hydralisks, and Zerglings.

two. Expand your base in the first 5-10 minutes. Expansion will make it much harder for your opponent to destroy your base.

3. Third, you can face your enemies. There are two parts to this:

1) You can wait for your enemy to push first. Note that this assumes you’ve already explored and have a counter ready to push. Immediately after countering the attack, start sending units to the opponent’s base.

2) Or, you may have scouted your enemy and know what to attack with to counter your opponent’s structure. When you have the strength to counter the opponent’s build, charge towards their base. You can stop your opponent’s counter by cutting off their economy, so a good place to focus is the enemy’s workers (SCV, Probes, Drones).

An important thing to remember here is to always be building while attacking.

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