Health Fitness

Supplements for hair loss – To choose or not to choose?

For every person who suffers from thinning hair, there is a question that arises in their mind at least once in their life:

Are hair loss supplements useful for men and women?

Hair loss is not as serious a health problem as hair loss. In fact, it may not be a health problem at all. A daily drop of 50 to 100 threads is a normal scenario. Hair follows a specific growth cycle. Old hair falls out only to make way for new ones.

In this article we will explore whether hair loss supplements are really useful for maintaining voluminous hair.

Before we begin our investigation, let’s try to understand why hair loss occurs in the first place. There are 3 phases in which hair grows and develops. They are:

I. Growth or anagen phase

II. Cessation or Catagen Phase

third Resting Phase or Telogen

The growth phase lasts a much shorter period of time than the rest phase. It is during this last phase, which is Telogen, that the follicles begin to weaken. They stop absorbing the right amount of nutrition. This makes hair loss a perfectly natural phenomenon. Only when this loss occurs in excess does hair loss become a worrisome health problem.

Baldness or alopecia occurs when new hair does not grow as fast as old hair remains. The telogen phase begins to last longer than the anagen phase. The follicles remain weak for an unusually long time. The number of strong hairs decreases and the number of weak hairs increases.

The role of supplements in offering a solution for hair loss –

1. Maintain the Natural Cycle

Hair loss supplements help maintain the proportion between the three growth phases. They ensure that the Telogen phase does not exceed its designated time period. This makes the hair stay healthy for longer. They do not age before their time.

Hair loss supplements also increase the duration of the anagen phase. New growth takes place more frequently. The growth process occurs over a long period of time. Healthy hair remains for a long time and successfully outnumbers weak ones.

2. Provide nutrition like vitamins for hair

One of the main reasons why the follicles become weak is that they do not receive adequate nutrition. There are plenty of hair nutrients and vitamins that need to reach your scalp and follicles. Unfortunately, a hectic and fast-paced lifestyle sometimes does not allow you to follow a healthy and balanced diet.

It has caused the nutrition gap to become a common problem. Your hair needs large amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals. The daily diet does not provide nutrition in the best amount. Hair loss supplements have a high nutritional value. They are able to provide specific nutrition that your diet cannot.

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