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Tantra – Experience ecstasy – Explore the ritual of sensory awakening

What makes Tantra unique from most spiritual practices is that Tantra embraces the senses as a path to the Divine. See the body as a temple for Consciousness to play and explore the material plane. Tantra uses the senses to expand consciousness. One way to do this is through the Sensory Awakening Ritual. You and your partner explore the art of giving and receiving pleasure by activating the senses. There is something profound about totally surrendering and allowing all your senses to respond and awaken. It is a sensual process that can be light and playful or charged with eroticism. This ritual is a wonderful way to start a romantic evening or a weekend with your beloved.

Create a sacred space

Turn your room into a temple. Start by clearing out the clutter and creating an altar. Light some candles, add a vase of flowers, crystals, a photo or object that honors your relationship with the Divine. Then, gather the items that can be used to awaken all the senses during the ritual. Some possibilities might be massage tools, furs, feathers, fruits, chocolate, flowers, essential oils, music, bells, rattles, and eye shields. Bathe and dress in ritual clothing. The ritual begins by blessing the space. This can be done with sage, incense, bells, chants, or by calling directions. Play beautiful music.

The bubble

Now create a bubble around you and your partner. Do this by waving your arms around to define the bubble shape that surrounds you both. Take turns releasing one thing at a time that might prevent you from being fully present in the ritual. As you say what you are removing (the past, distractions, anger, worry, etc.) make a gesture as if you were removing an object from your bubble. Next, list the things that will enhance your connection (love, willingness, presence, trust, etc.) and gesticulate, as if bringing these things into your bubble.

Share your desires, fears and limits

Once the bubble is created, share your desires, fears and limits related to this practice. First, one person talks while the other listens without judging or commenting. Then you switch roles. Here’s an example:

“My desire is to be present, open up and connect deeply with your soul.” “My fear is that I will become self-conscious and shut down.” “My limit is that we both turn our cell phones off.”

Why limits? Limits are not walls, they are bridges. Bridges help unite people. Intimacy happens when people have healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries allow you to feel safe, stay open, and be present. The limits are dynamic, so it is important to periodically check with yourself to see if your limits have changed. If they have changed, update your partner so they can respect your new boundaries. Here are a couple of examples:

“I’m getting tired. I want to finish at midnight.” “I’m sensitive to perfumes, so please don’t wear them.”

Once you’ve shared your desires, fears, and limits, offer each other a blessing, such as “I want to bless your hands for all you do for others.” Then decide who will get first and blindfold them. Help the recipient lie down and get comfortable. The donor begins the ritual by stimulating the senses in the way that seems appropriate, as long as he respects the limits of the person who receives. Come from a place of devotion as you arouse and arouse your partner. Take your time. Be playful and creative.

the power of sight

In this ritual we blindfold vision to enhance the other senses and add an element of surprise. Also, removing the blindfold and restoring sight at the end of the trade often lends itself to a new appreciation of the experience of seeing on the part of the receiver. It is as if the world were seen again through the eyes of a newborn baby.

the power of smell

Smell is an important component of pleasure. Your olfactory nerves pick up chemical messages from the air you breathe and rush them to your brain. Smells are often associated with memories. A whiff of a particular food, perfume, or place can immediately transport you back to a time in the past associated with that scent. Pheromones are chemical messages that we send and receive. They affect who you are attracted to and are a big factor in who you choose as a partner. Smell is a great alarm clock.

the power of touch

Touch is a basic human need. We live in a culture where many people are often out of touch. Touch creates a connection at the most basic level. The skin is your largest organ. It feels good to be massaged, kissed, caressed and hugged. The skin is sensitive to many types of sensations. Explore nibbling, biting, and pinching if you want to add more excitement. Exploring what excites and turns you and your partner on can be fun and bonding.

the power of sound

Sounds create a mood and affect emotions. They can be intrusive or relaxing. Pleasant sounds can help us relax, be present and open. Stimulating sounds can enliven the body and mind. Music and singing are a great gift that can heal and transform. Use music that is sensual and exciting.

the power of taste

The mouth is a very sensitive and highly developed sensory receptor in most people. Food is associated with both survival and pleasure. Our taste buds detect sweet, bitter, salty, and sour. Use a variety of your favorite flavors and textures – salty, crunchy, sweet, juicy – to tantalize the lips and tongue. The Sensory Awakening Ritual is a great way to open and expand your senses. It allows you to surrender to the pure joy of Awareness by celebrating in human form. It is a gift to be able to connect and experience pleasure and ecstasy with your partner. In a world where people are mesmerized by the endless stream of thoughts that run through their heads, it’s refreshing to let go of the mind and rediscover the pleasures of the body.

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