
The importance of nursery school

Many parents may wonder if they really need to take their children to daycare. Many people think that it is okay to send their children to school at the age of five for kindergarten. The immeasurable value of early education cannot be underestimated. Many parents may consider child care instead of early education. The thing is, a good number of preschools are also certified daycares, so you can still work and pick up your kids afterward. Let’s explore other important facets of preschool that you may not know about.

The importance of early education

While many people may be quick to dismiss the importance of what you learn between the ages of three and five, recent studies suggest that early childhood education is very important. In these settings, children are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes for the first time. They also begin to learn the names of colors and animals. Perhaps the most important facet of early education is simple social interaction with other children. It is key that children learn how to get along with others and contribute to the whole in meaningful ways, which they learn in an early education setting. The National Institute for Early Education Research did a study and found that nearly 40 percent of three-year-olds and more than 66 percent of four-year-olds were enrolled in early education programs. Their study also found that children who attended such programs entered kindergarten with better reading, basic math, and vocabulary skills. These shows sound pretty good, don’t they?

Choosing the right daycare for your child

This requires a fair amount of research on your part. First, you need to determine which program works best for your schedule. In general, hours vary from full time, half day or two or three days a week. If you work longer hours, you may be able to find an option that also offers childcare. Second, consider the location. You can choose between proximity to home or work. Either way, these are logistical issues you need to consider. Perhaps the most important question to address is what type of institution do you want to send your child to? There are programs in public schools, churches, private organizations, parent coalitions, and day care centers. What values ​​do you want to instill in your children? Make sure the daycare you send your children to aligns with your own values.

Early education is more than a place to unload your kids while you go to work. The research is clear that children who start school earlier tend to be better students and have more basic skills. Education is the most important gift that can be given to a child.

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