
The Ten T’s That Guarantee TOTAL New Year’s Resolution Success!

(excerpt from Jill Koenig’s book “Goal Rush!”)

With today’s fast-paced lifestyle, it is crucial to accept and
implement simple strategies for achievement and accomplishment.
Your job in this life is to follow your bliss, design your
destiny and consciously direct the steering wheel of your life.

This is the time of year when we look back to where we’ve been and look forward to where we want to be. We make some well-intentioned New Year’s Resolutions in hopes of creating positive change in our lives. Unfortunately, research shows that up to 95% of people drop their resolutions by the end of January, disgusted and discouraged! It does not have to be this way.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, you will most likely
you will fall for someone else’s plan. And guess what they
could have planned for you? Not much.” -Jim Rohn

If you don’t implement a system for setting and achieving goals,
the winds that blow in life will blow you off course and take you to a
reaction life. Have a plan that you can integrate for each goal
that you set will ensure that you are in a proactive state rather than a
reactive state.

Being proactive allows you to sleep peacefully at night and
wake up each day knowing that you are actively leading in the
direction you want to go, developing your greatness and living
your dreams. Have a system to manifest your goals over and over again
over builds trust and demolishes fear.

Enter your highest priority New Year’s Resolutions in this
Template and put them to the test. If you don’t have everything
these items, you are unlikely to get them
successfully. A Resolution is not a mere hope or wish… it is
a goal to which you are committed with entertainment plans that
inspire and motivate to take steady, persist,
decisive action.

Here are the Ten T’s that Guarantee Total New Year’s Resolution

1. THIRST: You must have a burning desire for something,
that originate beyond mere hopes and ideas. You must have
pressing dreams, a thirst, a hunger and desires that are so
inspiring and motivating, they give you enough inside information
driving to fuel you and keep you going when things don’t go your way
planned. The stronger your WHY, the more successful you will be.
You must feel a magnetic pull towards something that is
meaningful and meaningful to you.

2. OBJECTIVES: You must define the Objectives, the results, the
goals, destinations clearly and in as much detail as you
can. Use your imagination to visualize and experience the deep
emotions of how you will feel when you reach your goal.

3. HOMEWORK: Working from your goals and outcomes, work backwards
and map out the Tasks, activities and Things you must do to
move towards your goal. A great goal is actually made up of
several smaller goals or tasks. Do the small tasks and the big ones
The objective WILL be achieved.

4. TIME: It takes time, a schedule and effort to bring your
dreams to life. It requires constant and persistent effort. Treat
Time as a precious resource and invest it wisely. Create a
Schedule and program your Tasks in your calendar, creating a
action plan, broken down into small, manageable steps with a
sequential order so you know what will be done and when
I will do it. As you create your schedule, your goal becomes
Tangible. Each target has its own gestation period.

(For more on time management, check out The Time Commandments!)

5. TEAM: Recruit a team of talented people in the form of
friends, family, coaches, associates, teachers, mentors,
supporters, interns, employees, whatever it takes. The biggest
the goal, the more external support and taxpayers will have
demand. The team you put together can make a difference
in the world. Surround yourself with positive people. When you
take action and are committed, people will be forced to
help you.

6. TENACITY: Be tireless, persistent and unwavering in your
commitment. Take 100% responsibility for the results you are
getting. Track your results and measure your progress. If you
you are not happy with your progress and results, take 100%
responsibility to change it. Adjust your plan or Schedule
y Tap into your burning desire and act consistently every
only day

7. TRANSCEND: Transcend limitation. Courageously go beyond yourself
comfort zone and propel yourself to new heights. Nothing is
impossible and Growth only comes from going further and
stretching you out Trust that anything you can imagine and
Commit yourself, you can do it.

8. TREASURE: Treasure the journey. Savor every moment you have
was provided. Savor all the experience, the challenges, the
growth and the lessons you find. Trust that they are there.
to teach you and prepare you for future experiences. trust that
you are a vessel with infinite untapped potential. How much more
Grateful you are, the more abundance you will attract.

9. WIN: Success! Your actions have resulted in
successful achievement of your goal! you have followed
in your plan, you reached the goal you envisioned, so celebrate your
growth and achievements! Take the time to delight in your

10. TITHE: Share your blessings with others. give of your time,
Talents and portfolio. Teach others your own unique experience
and be thankful. Give encouragement, it’s free to give and
invaluable to those who receive it. Contribution to others will be
enrich your life in ways you can’t imagine. support others in
your trip in any way you can. Will come back to you Ten
fold. Touch as many people as you can and leave a legacy that
lasts beyond his life.

All these elements are needed to transform your hopes and
Wishes for New Year’s Resolutions in Results. take your
Resolutions, Transition them to Goals empowering the Ten
T’s, start today and take off for a totally exciting experience

Live your dreams

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