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Tips for property maintenance

Maintaining your property properly will save you money in the long run and allow you to earn a better rental income in the short term.

Here are some tips to remember.

tools for the job

A bad worker blames his tools, a good worker knows how to use them.

You need a wide range of tools to not be left empty handed when the crucial moment arrives.

So what goes into a good set of tools?

  • Of course, a good range of screwdrivers.
  • Wrenches, hammers and pliers.
  • Wire strippers, wrench and a large amount of insulation and electrical tape.

You’ll also need a handy supply of light bulbs (keep them dry and warm). Washing machines always come in handy and are a cheap and quick way to please an unhappy tenant with a leaky faucet.

Sink plungers, grout fillers and a collection of different sized screws and plugs.

A ladder is always necessary: ​​a solid one if you need to reach the top of a house (don’t skimp here, it’s not worth it), a stepladder will usually suffice in an apartment.


Take good care of your floors: they are the ones that mistreat the inhabitants the most.

Prevention with flooring is often the best solution and saves labor and money in the long run.

Doormats come in handy at every entrance to keep out excessive dirt and asking people to remove their shoes before entering isn’t the worst idea in the world. It is not always practical, but it is effective.

Clean floors regularly, at least once a week. Sweep hard floors and clean them monthly with a specialty cleaner that won’t make them slippery. Vacuum carpets regularly and keep a good carpet stain remover on hand; treat stains immediately. Carpets should be steam cleaned once a year – call for quotes and have the professionals do it for you. The longer a stain remains on the carpet, the more difficult it will be to clean. Remember these words as you stare at that two-year-old red wine stain on your carpet.


Look, as cute as your child’s doodles on the wall look, the next tenant won’t. And while those holes in the wall may appeal to the industrial chic of him, it’s not to everyone’s taste.

Never forget that it is the walls that support your apartment or house. So take care of them.

Don’t worry too much about cracks in the plaster surface or damage to wallpaper or paint. These can be easily repaired with new decorations. What you really have to watch out for is more intrusive wall damage, cracks, and moisture.

Widening cracks should be examined by an expert as soon as possible. The sooner you address it, the easier and cheaper it will be to fix.

Wet or dry lift rot is also best treated quickly. Pay special attention to the walls of your bathroom. You want to make sure that moisture and condensation don’t sit on the walls and cause damage.


Clean windows regularly and wipe off any condensation. Paint wooden windows at least once every three years to prevent weather damage.


Don’t put up with leaky faucets, this wastes water and is easy to fix. Check pipes and faucets regularly and fix problems as they arise. If you bought a house with inferior plumbing, consider replacing it before it bursts and damages your home.


Basic maintenance like replacing plugs can be done by yourself, just remember to turn off the power when necessary. For anything else, including replacing faulty switches, consider hiring someone. Any electrical installation or major work must be done by a qualified electrician.

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