
Tips on how to treat a yeast infection

There are helpful tips on how to treat a yeast infection. Home remedies can treat these infections, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications. Medications tend to take a week to treat the problem. However, if the infection is a symptom of another problem, such as a weakened immune system, you may need a different treatment.

The vast majority of yeast-related problems can be treated with over-the-counter medications. Some of the more popular products include Monsitat-derm, Monistat Vaginal, Vagistat vaginal, Femstat, Femiole-7, and Gyne-Lotrimin. These products are used for vaginal yeast infections. They are actually antifungal agents and the active drug includes miconazole, tioconazole, butoconazole, and clotrimazole. If these products do not clear the infection within a week, you should see your doctor.

For those who have an infection in the mouth, also called thrush, they should keep their mouth very clean and rinse with nvstatin, an antifungal agent. If you wear dentures, you should clean them each time you remove them. Adults can also use antifungal pills or tablets and tubes to help treat mouth infection. However, these products are not safe for babies.

If you have a yeast infected area on your skin, you can use creams and lotions. There are also prescription drugs available. It is important to keep the skin that has such an infection clean and dry, you should wear clothing that is well ventilated. If your baby has a diaper yeast infection, you should change the diaper often and use a barrier cream.

If you have a yeast infection and treatment is not effective or your symptoms get worse, you should see a doctor. All symptoms that require a visit to the doctor include vaginal discharge that lasts for more than a week, recurrent infections, bloody discharge, abdominal pain, fever, and increased urination. The more severe your symptoms, the greater your risk of having a more serious problem, such as kidney infections.

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