
Top 10 Hemorrhoids Treatments – Safe, Natural and Effective Ways to Cure Painful Hemorrhoids

If you have hemorrhoids, you know how excruciatingly painful they are. The burning, itching, swelling, and bleeding never seem to stop, and as for hemorrhoid treatments? Well the creams and ointments relieve for a while but as soon as the tube is finished the hemmies rear their ugly heads again. Take heart. There is a safe, natural, and effective hemorrhoid treatment solution that you can easily perform in the comfort of your own home. Here are my top 10. Try them yourself. You’ll be amazed at the difference they will make and you have nothing to lose except your stacks of course.

1. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by straining to defecate, by being constipated. What you eat is key to changing all of that. A high-fiber diet with plenty of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and bran-based cereals will bulk up your stool. Apples, barley, citrus, psyllium, and flaxseeds will keep your stool soft. Drink plenty of water and avoid excess tea, coffee and alcohol as these are diuretics. Other foods to stay away from are processed foods, salt, and spicy foods. Try to get light exercise every day, like walking. By eliminating constipation, you’re more than halfway there to avoiding future hemorrhoids and lessening the symptoms of existing ones.

2. A sitz bath, taken 2-3 times for approximately 15 minutes a day, will soothe painful hemorrhoids and keep this delicate area perfectly clean. Add some Epson salt to the water.

3. Ice is one of the simplest yet most effective hemorrhoid treatments you can use to reduce swelling, inflammation, bleeding, and pain. Wrap it in the form of splinters in a piece of gauze and apply it to the hemorrhoid.

4. Did you know that the innocent banana made a very effective hemorrhoid treatment? Boil a ripe banana in a cup of milk. Drink this shake 3 times a day and watch the miraculous effect on your hemorrhoids begin.

5. If the itching is driving you crazy, try Echinacea extract on a cotton ball. Apply it directly to the area. This will relieve you of this really irritating symptom and also relieve pain. Echinacea can be easily purchased at your local health food store.

6. Cut some garlic and onion into a similar size but smaller and use it as a suppository to strengthen the veins in the anus, reduce inflammation and destroy bacteria. Allow it to pass on its own with the next bowel movement and remember not to use it if you have bleeding. Other than that, it’s the brightest of hemorrhoids treatments.

7. Another suppository is made with strips of the actual aloe vera plant that can be cut into strips and frozen in a container in the freezer. This is very relaxing and should be used at night and in the morning. If you have swollen hemorrhoids, wait until the swelling goes down.

8. Witch Hazel when used as an ingredient in hemorrhoid treatments has an almost magical effect. If you empty a small bottle of Witch Hazel into your box of toilet paper, the paper will absorb it. This is a very soothing substitute for thicker toilet paper and is ideal for gently cleaning this delicate area as well as reducing pain and itching.

9. A paste made from baking soda and water, applied to hemorrhoids, will reduce the itching of an irritable hemorrhoid.

10. Your health food store has a plethora of herbal hemorrhoid treatments, all of which contain safe ingredients and are inexpensive. Barberry, Butcher’s Brew, Witch Hazel, Horse Chestnut, and Slippery Elm are all recognized herbal ingredients for providing relief when hemorrhoids flare up.

There is no magic pill to cure hemorrhoids. However, eating a high-fiber diet and using some natural hemorrhoid treatments that work for you will mean that your hemorrhoids will be a thing of the past. Now how good will that feel?

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