
Trainer to the Stars Home Gym Workout Secrets

Home Gym Workout Secrets:

Add interval training to your workouts Researchers at the University of NSW, Sydney, Australia, conducted tests using interval training and found that people lost three times more weight than other women who exercised at a regular pace continuously for 40 minutes.

Include interval training 1-2 times per week in addition to your normal cardio training. Interval efforts can range from 30 seconds to 5 minutes in length. Aim for a 1:2 interval to rest ratio and a total workout time of about 30 minutes, for example, 30 seconds of effort with 1 minute easy and repeat or 5 minutes of effort with 10 minutes easy and repeat.

If you’re short on time, split your training into am + pm workouts – p. eg 10 min in the morning and 10 min in the afternoon We all lead busy lives and sometimes trying to fit our daily schedule can mean skimping on our exercise time too. Think of exercise time as “ME!” Here are some simple tips to help you.

Minimalist muscle toning! After making your bed in the morning, try some tricep curls from the edge, while you wait for lifts or blow-dry your hair in the morning, squeeze and release your glutes, while at your desk doing leg raises or squats while watching television, just try and do what you can when you can;

• Try to prepare everything you need the night before so you can have time for that precious me time. Better yet, set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier!

• Use household chores as an exercise, vigorously vacuuming or dusting with music, making beds, etc. can all be a form of exercise, especially when you keep your abs fired up!

• Go for a brisk walk in the morning for 10 minutes and again in the afternoon, at least then it’s still 20 minutes of cardio! Every little bit counts!

To walk – It’s cheap, convenient and a great way to burn fat. Walking is fun and can be done alone or in a group and is suitable for all ages. It’s an inexpensive way to get fit and you don’t need any expensive gym equipment. However, before you begin, it’s important to remember that comfortable walking shoes with good arch support are the best choice for your feet. And most important of all: hydration; always take a small bottle of water and take a sip every 15 minutes. Try interval walking, 5 minutes warm up, 1 minute really fast, then 2 minutes active recovery, and repeat for 20 minutes, then 5 minutes easy walking to cool down, don’t forget to stretch afterwards, and voila, you’re done! ! !! Or why not try a fast walking class for something a little different. For your heart and overall well-being, walking for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week will help you lose weight, tone up, and look and feel your best. So pick up that groove and get moving!

keep moving – Always take the stairs, park a block away, walk to work, etc. Every day we are told to be more active in our daily lives. Here are some simple, easy, and cheap ways to get that little bit more of what fitness professionals call “incidental exercise” into your day:

Instead of using the elevators or escalators while you’re at work or shopping, why not take the stairs? This is a great calorie burner and will help tone you down from waste!

• If you feel bored, upset and angry, try taking a brisk walk around the block or from one office to another, this is a great way to calm down and clear your mind.

• Do some simple exercises while watching your favorite TV show, for example sit-ups during breaks or calf raises on a step, or triceps exercises in your living room or, if you have one, a quick spin on the exercise bike.

• Instead of calling or emailing your friends at work, get up from your desk and visit them.

• Send your letters to a mailbox outside of work.

• Run errands for your colleagues or do some volunteer work for your community, ie tree planting days or mailbox deliveries, you can be outside.

• Take the dog for a walk.

It’s about Variety – mix up your exercise to avoid boredom. Have you ever bored your exercise program to feel more like a regimented and restricted routine, very boring to say the least and yes it can lead to that dreaded plateau! Well think again, it’s just a simple case of being creative and trying different things.

Try a new class, if you haven’t tried Pilates or yoga, now is the time, or why not try pumping or boxing classes. Get out there and try outdoor circuit training, baldness, tennis or just play a game of soccer with some friends, you could even go for a few walks. Remember that variety is the spice of life, and by doing so, your body won’t get used to the grind of your exercise program either, and you’ll start to see great results.

Include light weight exercises in your home gym to build lean muscle If you think lifting weights is just for bodybuilders, think again. By incorporating weight training into your fitness program, you can reap many benefits, including: increased bone mineral density, helps with anxiety, depression, and overall mental health, reduces risks of sports injuries, helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, a healthier heart, and may help prevent diabetes. It also helps build muscular endurance for those heavy shopping days by increasing our ability to perform our daily tasks, which means more shopping, good!

To control body weight, especially in the case of women, strength training plays a fundamental role. For some women, weight gain can be a very frustrating time. However, by using light weights with exercises like bicep curls and tricep kickbacks with two arms or squats and lunges with hand weights, just twice a week they were able to avoid the slow start of that. Weight gain of 5 to 1 kg at age 40 and over This seemingly small amount of weight can accumulate over several years.

You may be wondering how weight training helps you stay lean. Well, while building muscle, the cells that make up muscle actually burn more calories than fat, and you continue to burn calories even while you sleep. Great, isn’t it?

Find a fitness buddy to keep you company, a dog or an iPod. Having a fitness friend will help you stay on track, they will be there to help, motivate and inspire you to achieve your fitness goals. With the support of a like-minded partner, your physical experience will be much more fun. They are more likely to stand their ground, stay on track, and help each other out when the going gets tough. Listening to your favorite piece of music can lift you up and make you want to train harder, and before you know it, time will have flown by. Having a dog that needs to be walked regularly can also help you stay motivated. Physical activity can be a lot of fun!

Have a realistic goal in mind, like running a fun run and then following a training plan. Have you ever heard of the saying: “to fail to plan is to plan to fail” well, it’s true! Having your goals written down, so it’s there in black and white, holds you accountable! By using the FITT principle to plan your program for your workouts and keeping that goal in mind, you’ll be more likely to stick to it. Let’s take a quick look at the FITT principle: frequency, which is how many times per week you’re going to train, intensity, how hard you intend to train, time for how long with each workout, and also when you’re going to train and why. last and the type of training, ie swim, run. By having a plan in writing, you can track your progress and check off days as you get closer to your target day. By setting a date for a particular goal, you can modify your training to suit it, check for improvements, but also be realistic and sensible with your approach.

Hire a personal trainer for you to learn new ways to exercise. Let’s face it: we all need to be motivated at some point in our lives. When we have a particular goal it is especially important. That is why a personal trainer is good. His professional passion is being time conscious and making you train hard to get the results you want. They are there to support you, to inspire and encourage you, to be tough on you when you need it, to be a good listener, a counselor, and most importantly, a friend. It makes exercise easier, more interesting and fun.

Another role of the personal trainer is to establish safe exercise environments for you to get the most out of your fitness equipment. home gym and to make sure you do the exercises correctly. A personal trainer can design/customize a fitness program just for you to help you reach your goals sooner. Sometimes certain exercise programs may have worked for some, but may not work for you, and to make the most of your time more effectively, wouldn’t it be wise to consult with the professionals instead of wasting time and energy on something you don’t know? it does not work? to work?

Try dance classes or a team sport.. This will take the edge off boredom and you’ll be dancing your way to a new level of fitness. There are so many different types of dance and they range from belly dancing which is great for the midsection, to Latin American ballroom dancing or trying out a team sport like soccer or maybe joining a swim team.

You will not only benefit from being in a group of like-minded people, but you will also be in a friendly and supportive environment that will encourage, inspire, motivate and help you achieve. The added benefits are that by joining a dance club or a team sport there will be meetings scheduled which will make you more inclined to stick with it, you will meet new people and make new friends and maybe even land an interesting date and learn new skills. .

So what are you waiting for? Move on!

Do some exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats during commercial breaks of your favorite TV show. Who needs to work out at the gym when he can do simple things at home that cost him nothing but still burn calories? Here are some simple exercises you can do while watching that movie or TV show.

Tricep dips from your couch or seat,

• Squats, remember to keep your back straight, your knees behind your toes and your buttocks out.

• Calf raises from a step,

• Crunches, remember slower is better, make sure to tighten your belly muscles and exhale as you come up, lifting your head and shoulders off the ground,

• Lunges, hips forward, legs in split starting position, back straight, come up on toes on back leg and drop down, knees behind toes, if you have problems with balance, use the back of a chair. for support,

• Pushups: If you can’t do pushups on the floor, try modified versions on your knees or even from a bench or wall.

But having said that, and even if you tried a couple of these exercises during ad breaks, that doesn’t mean you can have a bowl of ice cream or a piece of chocolate now!

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