Digital Marketing

Typography and the use of stylized fonts

“[Typography is] the art of printing from movable type, including expert planning of typeface and size, composition, and layout, to create a balanced and attractive whole” (Google Online Dictionary).

Movable type had to be set by hand for more than 400 years before typewriters and computers. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that automated typesetting became available. It is clear that Gutenberg’s mobile typesetting had a huge impact on communication around the world.

Typography has advanced to the point where an artist can choose from a wide variety of fonts for written communication or design elements. Typography is everywhere; it is seen in artistic designs used for publications and is found in functional computer products such as telephones, remote controls, and microwaves.

Since current software can convert typography to “outlines” like in Illustrator; o In Flash, fonts can be “separated”; this was also a breakthrough for typography, because the internet recognizes *digitally converted fonts* as illustrations and not typography. The digital conversion of typography into illustrations is important for today’s technology, because artistic or unknown fonts (not digitally transformed into illustrations) do not have to be converted to default fonts on end users’ computers.

Since decorative typography creates shapes in designs, it can be arranged to be a focal point or used to create texture. When decorative typography becomes the focal point, it goes far beyond what graphics can do in visual communication. In most circumstances, graphic designs play second to decorative typography, especially in layouts, because decorative typography becomes part of the written communication. Generally speaking, the written word is easier to understand when compared to graphic elements and editorial illustrations; and most of the time, the graphs are usually not as accurate as we want them to be. Although a picture is worth a thousand words, there are bound to be misinterpretations of graphics compared to direct written communication.

When stylized fonts harmonize with the intended meaning behind them, they can deliver a stronger punch to what is being communicated. Stylized fonts can clarify or confuse the meaning of the written word, so be careful with the choice of fonts in your designs. Without a doubt, the art of typography is an art in itself! (revised 02/13/2006)

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