Digital Marketing

Using social media to increase blog traffic for free

If you are looking for free ways to increase blog traffic and how to use social media to increase traffic, you must read this.

As social media is increasingly populated with users around the world, many marketers and companies (such as McDonald’s) are using Facebook to maximize their potential. By using social media to increase blog traffic for free, you can save on advertising costs, viralize your traffic for more visitors, gain more exposure, make more friends, earn more money, become famous, and many tons more.

Besides that, this is the real reason why you would want to use social media to increase your blog traffic.

Google is dying! Yes it’s correct. Social media sites like Facebook are already catching up with Google in terms of most visited sites. And in the coming years or even months, Facebook will overtake Google if Google didn’t do anything about it.

But what this shows is that the social media site is getting really popular and it is the most popular product on the internet. After so much analysis and data collection, most of the webmasters doing online marketing use social sites for their websites and businesses. Even McDonald’s is using social sites (and media) even though they know they are already very successful.

Use social media to increase traffic

Let’s start with the basics. With Facebook, the easiest way to get someone to visit your websites is by posting status updates on your wall. You can post your blog url if you want to increase blog traffic or just your regular website.

But these are only between your friends and contacts. No more. What you can do to reach a wider audience is create pages and invite their friends to like your page. However, you will definitely realize that not many will like it because they just don’t know who you are or basically, if they don’t recognize you, no one will bother to like your pages.

Fortunately, there is a suitable way or rather a strategy to increase traffic. One way is to create events such as an outing, public relationship, or contest. However, this requires some investment and that is not what we want.

The best and free way to increase traffic through social media is to create a page that uses emotions. Like for example, “Save these animals for not.” These types of pages will help to gain the sympathy of others and thus make more people like your pages. That said, it doesn’t mean you have to be an animal or save something. Make sure it is related to your website or products.

And lastly, remember to put your website link on your page so your ‘fans’ know where to proceed after they like your page.

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