Lifestyle Fashion

Ways to use Bhringaraj powder for thicker and stronger hair

In Ayurveda, powders have long been made from dried herbs and used for their health benefits. For hair, the most effective herb for faster and healthier hair growth is called Bhringaraj. Bhringaraj is an herb that has been used in Ayurveda to reliably treat hair loss and skin infections for thousands of years. It is also commonly called Maka in India, where it has been used to treat aches and pains, stimulate circulation, and liver and kidney conditions thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Bhringaraj oil is becoming more and more popular in the West as people discover a natural way to thicken their hair without fear of damage or side effects. Scientific studies have supported Ayurvedic medicine by showing that Bhringaraj is more effective than the 2% strength of minoxidil that is generally recommended for women.

As a hair growth oil, it can be added to your hair care regimen as a scalp massage oil that can be used once or twice a week. The anti-inflammatory substances in the oil are great for soothing an inflamed scalp and the antiviral properties keep scalp infections at bay. However, the most important attribute this herb has is its ability to increase blood flow to the scalp.

The oils that are commonly sold in stores are made with a coconut or sesame seed oil base. You can increase the potency of the oil by adding some additional Bhringaraj powder to the oil. In order not to clog the follicles, it is advisable to massage the oil into the hair at night and wash it off the next morning.

Bhringaraj powder can also be used as a scalp scrub. It is never advisable to try to exfoliate your scalp if you are wearing hair extensions. When using Bhringaraj powder as a scalp scrub, mix 2 heaping tablespoons of the powder with a little water to form a thick paste. Dissolve one teaspoon of powdered sulfur (MSM) in one teaspoon of warm water. The MSM mixture should remain grainy. Add it to Bhringaraj Powder Paste to finish your scalp scrub. Apply to scalp in circular motions after shampooing with a clean, soft toothbrush. Rinse well before applying a hair conditioner.

Exfoliating the scalp serves the same purpose as exfoliating the face or body. Removes rough dead skin that blocks pores and exposes new, healthy skin. This is important to ensure that all available hair follicles have a clear path to grow healthy hair. Bhringaraj powder penetrates the follicle and increases circulation allowing important nutrients required for hair growth to reach their intended destination.

This hair growth oil is not only effective for baldness but also works for thinning hair. The oil can also have a darkening effect on the hair. It is commonly combined with other plants such as indigo and hemp to make natural hair dyes. If you have blonde hair, you may want to do a patch test before applying the oil or powder to your entire scalp.

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