
Where Are Local Evictions Milan?

Local Evictions

Milan is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, and it’s no secret that housing is a big issue for a lot of people. Whether you’re looking for a place to live on your own or a share, there are a wide variety of options to suit every budget and lifestyle.

Sgomberi locali Milano

For many expats, choosing a home in Milan is a major decision that will determine their experience of living in the city. From lofts and penthouses in the city centre to villas and single family homes in outer zones, there are plenty of different properties to choose from.

In the majority of cases, you’ll find that a property will come fully furnished. However, be aware that there may be some small print in the contract, which might require you to return the property to an unfurnished state at the end of your stay. This can be very expensive, so it’s worth asking a friend to check over any contracts you’re given.

Where Are Local Evictions Milan?

If you’re renting a place in Milan, it’s important to remember that there are several areas of the city that are not ideal for expats. Some of these are blighted by crime, and can be quite difficult to navigate. Neighbourhoods including Ponte Lambro, Vigentino, Gratosoglio and Ronchetto sul Naviglio have all had their fair share of issues.

There are also some areas which have been branded as ‘safe’ but have high levels of crime and drug abuse. A good rule of thumb is to avoid the outskirts unless you’re able to walk a fair distance to work or school.

A couple and their two young children were forced to leave their house in the north of Milan when they could not pay the rent. They are currently staying in a hotel with the support of the local municipality.

With prices rising in cities across Europe, it’s no surprise that citizens are becoming increasingly frustrated with the housing situation. From a family potentially being evicted from their home of 50 years in Italy to full-time workers struggling to find a suitable flat in Oslo or Brussels, there are a range of stories that are revealing the impact that high prices can have on people’s everyday lives.

Despite this, the authorities in Milan are still failing to comply with legislation when it comes to evictions and do not provide adequate alternatives for those affected. For example, there are a number of families in the north of the city who have been evicted from their houses and have no alternatives for a safe place to stay.

The ERRC is calling on the authorities in Milan to stop this illegal eviction and provide alternative accommodation for those who have been evicted from their homes.

We’re also concerned about the impact that these evictions have had on the families of those who were originally evicted. These families are still facing a lack of affordable housing and the prospect of finding a new home in wintertime.

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