
Who else wants relief from knee pain?

Knee pain can be a real burden on a day-to-day basis; especially if you lead an active life. Knee pain can inhibit your ability to climb stairs, play a sport, or even share a dance with that special someone. Knee pain affects people of all ages and lifestyles, from the elderly and frail to the young and active, it is a problem that does not discriminate. Fortunately, there are several pain relief methods that can offer relief; However, the effectiveness of these methods depends on the severity and cause of the pain. Knee pain can be chronic or acute and this greatly influences the method of relief used.

acute knee pain

Acute pain is sudden and usually occurs while doing some physical activity. Acute pain can last a few moments and in most severe cases a few months, it can no longer be called acute, however one should not try to deal with pain for such a long time without consulting a doctor. Taking a break from activity is the obvious first step in gaining relief, as this relieves the stress on the knee and gives any minor injuries time to heal. Applying ice packs to the affected area for fifteen minute intervals after the pain is first felt also provides some pain relief.

Along with rest and ice pack, you can also take pain relievers like ibuprofen or apply over-the-counter topical ointments like Voltaren to the affected area. In cases where the pain worsens, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately, as this could be an indication of soft tissue damage or even broken bones. In such cases, minor corrective surgery might be necessary.

chronic knee pain

This is long lasting and tends to get worse over time. Chronic pain is usually disease-related, but untreated cartilage and soft tissue damage can lead to chronic knee pain. Treatment is often extensive and can be quite expensive. Some treatments that offer relief from knee pain are:

• Physical therapy: Physical therapy is used to strengthen the muscles in and around the knee to increase the amount of stress the knee can withstand and also to maintain knee stability. Physio tends to focus on strengthening the quads and hamstrings, the two muscle groups most susceptible to injury, especially in athletes.

• Medications: Medications are given based on the type and severity of the injury. For problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs can be used to give patients some relief from the pain caused by this condition. Another substance that is gradually becoming common is the use of hyaluronic acid. This substance is found naturally in healthy joints, and injecting it into your injured knee improves lubrication, reduces swelling, and can relieve pain for months. Another useful medicine used to relieve knee pain caused by osteoarthritis is corticosteroid, which is also injected into the affected joint.

• Surgery: This is always the last resort and should be considered after all other options have been explored. However, in some cases, such as those suffering from locked knees, this is the only option to get much-needed relief. Your doctor will advise you on the type of surgery needed to correct your knee problem. Surgery is usually followed by extensive physical therapy.
Thanks to the many advances in medicine and the plethora of information available online, knee pain can no longer hold us back and deprive us of the many things that give us joy.

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