Arts Entertainments

Why do men find nice butts so sexy?

Here is a scene that takes place every day, in every city.

A man walks down the street, minding his own business, and then, from a distance, he sees an attractive woman, or a woman with a seductive walk. As they get closer, he watches her from head to toe (or at least from head to waist), waiting for the fleeting moment when they will come face to face. As she walks past him, she gives him a clear view of her behind as she walks.

The man doesn’t have to look, but he usually does. Why is that? Is it instinctive? Or usual? Is it unbridled lust? Or just male curiosity?

The answer to these questions may vary among men, but everyone will agree on one thing: there is something about a nice butt that we find very sexy. When I say “nice,” I’m allowing for variations in definition here.

Some men like perky little butts. Some like voluptuous heart-shaped bottoms. Some men like firm, athletic butts. Some men like small, model butts. Others like round butts, but not obtrusive. Many like shapely buttocks that are in proportion to a woman’s figure.

There are some who don’t particularly care about butts (they are a minority). Then there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum who like big, even gigantic butts.

Speaking of big butts, they tend to create a more pear-shaped body, which scientists say makes better use of insulin, which may offer protection against type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In addition, it is still believed that the additional “padding” facilitates pregnancy.

Bigger butts are also big news in Hollywood and for plastic surgeons.

Butt implants (also known as Brazilian butt lifts) have proven effective in improving the size and shape of the buttocks. Women who are not happy with the size of their buttocks benefit from more volume. Patients who feel their buttocks lack shape can be given a more prominent and sensual rear end.

Butt appeal is a popular and sexual phenomenon.

Yes, men feel that there is a strong correlation between a woman’s butt and her sexual progress. Unknown to many women, it’s not just the size or shape of the butt that catches our interest, it’s the Presentation buttocks that men find attractive. We call it “framing”. Just like what you do with a photo.

When a butt is properly framed in the right garment, it’s as beautiful as a photo. When it’s exceptional, it’s more like an exotic painting. No matter what kind of butt a woman has, like any photo, it can be enhanced by good framing. Thongs are an example of this effect.

Careful wardrobe selection and proper fit on a woman’s bottom are essential.

Some butts look great in skinny jeans. Some look better in dresses. Some look better with a skirt. A woman’s butt should never have the appearance of sagging in clothing. Never.

Equally exciting for men is the movement of the rear. Why do you think strippers are so popular? Ask a guy who frequents those establishments and he’ll tell you that the girls who can shake their butts the best tend to get the most tips.

That movement is not limited to lap dance and poles. The movement of the stock is a natural beauty thing that reveals a lot of information about a woman, such as her self-confidence, sexual confidence, and sexual vitality. It’s called “loot language.” Men become more fluid as their sexual experiences increase.

Some butts have too much movement, resembling a plate of jelly on a roller coaster. Some butts move awkwardly. Some butts move gracefully. Some are captivating. Those are the ones that attract men, practically hypnotizing them; inspiring fantasies and visions of nudity. Why?

Because unlike breasts that are really for lactating babies, men consider a pretty bottom to be the key to a treasure chest of pleasure. Some men use a nice butt to reveal a woman’s anatomical fit, sexual responsiveness, amount of past sexual activity, frequency of exercise, and ability to reach orgasm. It is a highly functional part of the body that reveals a lot of information.

Although men like the aesthetic value of a nice butt and the intrigue and promise it holds, women, from an anthropological perspective, have a more viable reason to seek out and appreciate good butts in men.

It turns out that a strong and muscular buttock on a man can be perceived as an indication of his “thrust” power. It correlates with his ability to insert himself deep into the vagina, closer to the cervix, to ejaculate his sperm, thus increasing the likelihood of procreation.

Clearly, good butts aren’t just for looking at; They serve a function for both men and women.

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