
Why I don’t recommend you buy special equipment when you start podcasting

I’m often asked “What kind of special equipment should I buy to start my podcast?”

My answer is always the same: “Nothing. Don’t buy anything!”

This generally goes against almost all of the “guru” advice you have been reading.

“If you want better sound quality, buy this microphone…”

“You’ll need these special headphones or earphones…”

“You will need editing software to edit your files before publishing…”

“You need this and that and the other too.”

“Oh, and you also need my ‘start your podcast’ training program…”

When they ask me that question, I explain how they (and you) can start podcasting with the equipment you already have. No need to buy any special equipment. You don’t need a better computer, better software, better microphone, none of that!

If you have a cell phone that has a microphone, it most likely has a built-in recorder. If not, you can download a recorder app. Now, you have everything you need to record a podcast (at least to get started).

You can use your cell phone to record yourself or while doing an interview with another person. You can use it to record videos and post them on YouTube as part of your podcast. You can use your cell phone to record directly to some podcast hosting platforms (they change all the time, so I won’t name names here).

The point I’m trying to get you across is don’t spend money buying special equipment when you’re just starting out. The main reason is also a very important reason.

You don’t know if you enjoy podcasting until you actually start doing it.

If you spend several hundred dollars on equipment, software, etc. and then join the 50%+ of people who don’t even make it to ten published episodes, what have you accomplished?

That fancy $200 mic on a swing arm? Now it serves as a stylish coat rack!

Do yourself a favor. Don’t spend money unnecessarily on equipment until you know podcasting is something you want to pursue. But you won’t really understand that point until you start podcasting. So start with the equipment you already have!

Most people have a laptop or desktop computer. Use the recorder built into that system. Use the recording function on your cell phone. If you need to edit your files, use Garageband or Audacity (both are free and work great).

Only when you are sure podcasting is something you will do regularly should you invest in better equipment. Then, and only then, upgrade your gear, one piece at a time.

The purpose of all updates is to improve the quality of the final product. Don’t buy equipment just because some “guru” says “this is the best.”

If you have any questions just ask! Use the resource box below to learn more.

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