
World leaders bring back electric cars

The fate of electric cars seems to be still on fire and not disappear completely. This is mainly because very soon, electric cars would be back on the streets and roads. Well, not exactly for everyday use and ownership, but at least they would be used by world leaders from major industrialized and democratic countries. Maybe there is hope after all.

These leaders would include those who lead countries like the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Canada, and Italy. They would be using electric cars during the G8 Summit. This summit would take place this summer, from July 15 to 17 in St. Petersburg, Russia. GEM electric vehicles would be used by the leaders of these countries. And in part of such a big event, the Russian government under the supervision of its president, Vladimir Putin, took part of the budget to buy thirty GEM electric vehicles that could carry four passengers inside their cabin, these vehicles are also called as e4 . They also made sure that each of the vehicles is personalized. They would be putting the official logo of the participating country as well as the flag on the GEM electric vehicle.

GEM vehicles and e4 Global Electric Motors, LLC are created. Rick Kasper is its president and chief operating officer. He states: “GEM’s electric vehicles will offer participating leaders an eco-friendly transportation option while attending the G8 summit. GEM is honored to participate in this major international event for the second time.” In fact, the first time GEM participated in such a grand event was in 2004 during that year’s G8 Summit held in Sea Island, Georgia.

The good thing about GEM electric vehicles is that they have zero emissions. It’s also clean and provides a quiet and highly efficient ride. It is also affordable compared to using the usual types of vehicles.

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