
4 drinks to improve your health

When you’re thirsty, what do you look for? When you’re having dinner, at a bar or just getting out of bed? The options are huge, ranging from the craziest ice cream concoction shake monsters at fast food joints weighing in at a couple thousand calories to plain water (although even water isn’t really that plain anymore). What is the best bet for any given social situation? Here’s a guide to help you navigate the treacherous shoals of drinking dilemmas, and why you should look for this and not that.

Best pre workout drink/wake up drink/fat burning drink

Can there really be a single drink that tops all of those different categories? Why yes it can. Coffee is the all-time champion when it comes to a variety of functions, all of which stem from its one wonderful component: caffeine. This stimulant is responsible for a number of benefits. Drinking coffee before a workout will stimulate you to train harder and longer, giving you more drive and helping you develop better results. Caffeine has also been shown to reduce muscle soreness after workouts, allowing you to recover faster as a result. Finally, coffee is still a great way to wake up in the morning if you need an extra boost.

health benefits

Green tea really is out of the question. If you are looking for a miracle substance that can do just about anything, then green tea is it. Whether you drink it hot or iced, just make sure you drink it often. The now famous Japanese study showed that regular imbibulation of green tea can decrease all causes of mortality to a significant degree. You should aim for at least two cups of green tea per day, and if possible, up to four. Honestly, it’s worth it.

recovery drink

If you’re looking to hydrate and cram as much nutritional goodness into your system as possible immediately after a workout, you should be drinking chocolate milk. Yes, you heard me right, not some fancy chemical concoction, but good old fashioned chocolate milk. The combination of protein and carbohydrates is fantastic for your recovery and has been shown to be better than Gatorade or water for hydration. Skeptical? Go online and Google chocolate milk as a recovery drink. What you will read will tell you everything you need to know.


But we can’t always be exercising and drinking with health in mind; sometimes you’re drinking for your health and the health of others, and that’s when you need to order a glass of wine. Red wine specifically abounds in resveratrol, a phytoalexin that has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering, and other cardiovascular benefits. It’s really fantastic, and if you get dry red wine, you don’t get as many calories compared to a killer beer or margarita. But don’t drink more than a couple of them; alcohol is not so good for you, you know?

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