
Are you paying the price?

I was reading a blog post by Randy Gage, a network marketing mentor and trainer of 20 years, and he asks the question “Are you paying the price?” and he got me thinking back to the days when I was involved with Quixtar and how, as IBOs, we were often asked that question. As a result, to show that we were willing to do whatever it took, we attended weekly meetings several times a week, attended what were called night owls, which usually lasted until 2 a.m. monthly autoships of products plus motivational tools and trips to different cities to attend the latest conference.

Now, we didn’t have to do those things, but it was considered important, especially if you wanted to be seen as committed to the business and actively and successfully building your business. For the most part, my husband and I had no problem doing it because we believed that was what it took to be successful and we still do to some degree. However, with the power of the Internet, network marketing has really changed, and for the most part for the better.

However, I think that because we have access to so many opportunities and are approached daily with offers of what is considered the latest and greatest opportunity, it’s easy to move on to the next best thing rather than commit to what you’ve already started. . Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have multiple streams of income. In fact, I think that’s something you have to do to reach your financial goals, but you have to build a business to leverage the income from that business so you can invest in the next opportunity. That way, you’re creating a more stable foundation for yourself.

So what does it mean to pay the price? It means attending trainings, reading motivational and inspirational material, setting goals, and consistently marketing your business. Now, even though paying the price means that success comes with some hardship, there are definitely benefits to having an online business today because doing the things described above is now so much easier.

For example, you can attend live conferences online, you can find goal setting and training material online, plus most companies provide that to their affiliates. Marketing has also become simpler as there are various marketing systems you can choose from and sometimes implement in your business. There are also ways to network with other business-minded people online. As a result, you can have people in your organization from all over the world if you choose and have an international business.

There are many opportunities to successfully generate income online and the best way to find the best plan for you is to first find a business that suits you and your financial goals, constantly work to build it and stay focused on it and then once you have Built up a steady stream of income, try to leverage some of that income to invest in an asset or other business opportunity, thus creating an additional income stream for yourself. If you are in a position right now to do this, feel free to take a look at a business opportunity that provides the two main qualities of the wealthy: 1.) Acquire assets and 2.) Create an additional income stream.

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