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Belly dancing is considered sexy and sexual.

Belly dance is considered sexy and sensual from the point of view of the observer. A woman in a bikini swimsuit may look sexy, but not sensual. A beautiful woman who walks gracefully can be seen as sensual, but not sexy. Confused? Many people confuse these two words.

Sexy versus sexy:

  1. Sexy generally refers to anything that might be attractive to another person. Awaken basic sexual instincts and interests to be elevated or excited.

  2. However, sensuality has more to do with the physical, mental and emotional sensations of our five senses without including sex.

It can be confusing at times. A lot has to do with how a person is defining the difference between sex and sensuality.


There is a movement called pelvic folds. Both male and female dancers perform this move by making small, tilted-back pelvic movements to the beat of the music. This is not a sexy move, but rather a sensual move as it is done without anyone thinking or suggesting sex.

Dancers are warned never to do this move forward as it would be too suggestive and sexually threatening. Occasionally a woman can reverse this movement to a forward position, but it is restricted and doesn’t make anyone think about sex.

General rehearsals:

The costumes and choreography are rehearsed and supervised before being presented to the public. The teacher or choreographer may change or modify a movement if it is inappropriate.

The bedroom:

A person may choose to incorporate belly dance moves combined with sexy suggestions for their partner in the privacy of their bedroom. This type of dance is definitely sexy with the intention of building romantic gestures and ending sexual intimacy. No true belly dancer would act this way in a public performance.

Audience performance:

Sensual movements require focused control and the dancer is so focused on her movements that she is not thinking about sex, but about creating sensual actions with her body. The aim of the performance is beauty and fantasy combined with the art of flirting.

The choice of music for the dancer will determine whether she will perform movements to the rhythm of the lyrics of the song or choose an instrumental selection to dance to various rhythms.

Think about it for a moment:

The dancer’s choreography includes a story of a girl who lives on a farm and describes her tasks with dance moves. For the audience to think the dancer is being sexy would be laughable considering the story.

A dancer is performing with a live band and she and the drummer are having a contest playing the beats. She is using her body and her hips to play the rhythms and the drummer is beating her drum or drums with his fingertips trying to outdo the dancer. They and the audience get caught up in the excitement of the percussion rhythms and have fun watching this duel.

How can a person think that this is sex when the dancer uses her techniques, skills and talents to creatively interpret the rhythms and the drummer beats the skin of the drum? None of these artists is thinking about sex. They are both worried about the brain teaser.

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