Health Fitness

Body Mass Index – How do you know if you are overweight?

It is said that about a third of Americans are obese. Many people would like to know that they are not overweight and do not enter that third of those who are. Using body mass indexes (BMI) can be a good way to answer this question. Although there are some limitations or things to consider when using a BMI calculator, the overall results are a very useful general indicator.

Body mass index calculators are widely available on the internet these days. You’ll want to make sure you’re using one from a reputable source, such as a government health organization. Simply put, body mass calculators measure body fat based on your height and weight. You will simply have to enter this data and then press send and the calculation will be done for you. You should note that these calculators are intended for adults and not children, unless otherwise stated.

Based on your body mass index, you will be able to tell if your weight is normal, if you are overweight or even if you are obese. Normal-weight people generally have a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9, while overweight people generally have a body mass index of 25 to 29.9. Obesity is when your BMI is equal to 30 or more. One of the limitations of BMI indicators is that it cannot distinguish between fat and muscle. Since muscle is generally heavier than fat, athletes or people with a large amount of muscle on their body will have a higher indicator. This is also true in reverse, as people can have a lot of body fat and little muscle, which will lead to a lower gauge than it should be.

Combined with your BMI, you will need to use other methods to determine if you are overweight, such as a measurement of your abdomen. You will need to measure your circumference against known standards. These are also available from many reputable sources and are based on averages. For men the figure is 40 inches and for women it is 35 inches. If you are above these figures, you should be concerned about the amount of fat on your body.

Once you’ve done your BMI calculation, you’ll have a good idea of ​​whether or not you’re overweight. If so, you may need to make some lifestyle changes to lose weight. While a healthy diet is always a good idea for everyone, you may want to pay more attention to how many calories you’re taking in, as well as how many calories you’re burning. You don’t need to start on a starvation diet, invest in workout equipment, or join a gym. However, you’ll need to take care to ensure you’re getting enough simple exercise, like walking the dog or maybe even taking the elevator occasionally instead of always taking the stairs.

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