Lifestyle Fashion

bra cancer

If you suffer from breast pain, cysts or lumps and you fear developing breast cancer, you can participate in an International Breast Cancer Prevention Project.

This project has shown a 95 percent success rate in improving breast health. After years of suffering from breast pain and cysts, many participants have found phenomenal improvement within days of starting this program. It’s free, risk-free, and the best thing you can do to prevent breast cancer. It all has to do with the cultural practice of wearing tight bras and the effect this has on the circulation within the breasts.

Why would bras be linked to breast disease and cancer? It has to do with the effect of bras on breast circulation, specifically the effect of bras on the lymphatic system.

The bloodstream’s job is to deliver fresh, oxygenated fluid to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide. The job of the lymphatic system is to remove fluid, called lymph, from tissue spaces, along with debris, viruses, cancer cells, bacteria, toxins, and other unwanted material. The lymphatic system consists of microscopic vessels that originate in the tissue space and lead to larger but still small vessels that ultimately enter a lymph node. These nodules are bean-sized filters lined with white blood cells. Most of the lymph nodes in the breast are in the armpit. If the nodes detect a virus, cancer cell, or other foreign or dangerous substance in the tissue fluid, they begin an immune response by producing white blood cells to fight the problem. Once through the lymph node, the fluid makes its way through the larger lymphatic vessels back to the heart and bloodstream.

An important fact about the lymphatic system is that it is a passive drainage system. While the bloodstream carries fluid under the pumping pressure of the heart, the lymphatic system is under no pressure. Its flow is influenced by gravity, breathing, exercise and movement, and massage. And the slightest constriction or compression of the tissue can close off the tiny lymph vessels, inhibiting lymph flow and causing fluid buildup, cysts, pain and tenderness. This congestion of fluid within the tissue is called lymphedema.

Women who have fibrocystic breast disease essentially have lymphedema of the breast. We discovered that its cause is the deterioration of the lymphatic flow due to the pressure of the bra. Bras are elastic garments that exert constant pressure on the breast tissue. Its purpose is to push the breasts into a more modern shape. However, this pressure can reduce the flow within the lymphatic system, reducing its ability to remove fluids and toxins from the breast tissue.

Toxins found within breast tissue include some biochemicals from tissue edema, such as free radicals, which are known to cause cancer. In addition, there are also toxins in our air, food, and water, including pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other products from our petrochemical-polluted world. Many of these are known to cause cancer. We deliver these toxins to all of our tissues each day through the bloodstream. The job of the lymphatics is to remove these toxins. And it is this work that the bra inhibits by its compression and constriction of the breasts.

This is how bras cause breast cancer. Cancer-causing toxins reach the breast tissue through the bloodstream and are held there by the bra. The toxins are the bullets. The bra holds them in place, pointing directly at the breasts.

This explains why women get more cancer in the breast than in any other part of the body. The breasts are the most constrained by clothing of any organ. It also explains why women get more breast cancer than men and why breast cancer is only a problem in bra-wearing cultures. Where there are no arms, there is virtually no breast cancer.

We had written about this, and the results of our 1991-93 Breast Cancer and Bra Study, in our book Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (ISCD Press). Our study involved approximately 4,700 American women, of whom about half had breast cancer. We asked these women about their attitudes and past habits of wearing a bra. What we found was that the women in the cancer group had a history of wearing longer, tighter bras than those in the non-cancer group. In fact, many women in the cancer group slept with their arms up. Almost none were without a bra. This was very different from the group without cancer.

When the results were analyzed, they revealed that women who wear bras for more than 12 hours a day have a dramatically increased risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who don’t wear bras. In fact, women without a bra have about the same chance of developing breast cancer as men, and this is more than 100 times less than women who wear a bra 18 to 24 hours a day. When you consider that smoking increases the incidence of lung cancer by 20 to 30 times, this makes the link between breast cancer and bras 4 to 5 times greater than the link between cigarettes and lung cancer.

Of course, the easiest way for a woman to determine if her own bra is damaging her breasts is to go braless for a while and feel the difference. That’s what the Breast Cancer Prevention Project is all about. You simply have to commit to not wearing a bra for a month. Your body will tell you the results.

For the thousands of women who have tried it, the results are spectacular. Having bound her breasts since puberty, the feeling of freedom from the breasts can sometimes seem strange at first. But in a matter of days, the sinuses have a chance to drain the congestion and excess fluid. The cuteness ends. Menstrual breast pain may go away completely. The cysts disappear. It’s like a miracle.

Interestingly, some women have become so accustomed to wearing a bra that they feel uncomfortable without it. This is because your breasts have become dependent on a bra for support, leading to loss of function of the muscles and ligaments that normally support the breasts. In other words, bras make the breasts weak and saggy. There are many women of all ages with large breasts who have firm, healthy breasts without problems because they have never worn a bra.

Breast engorgement from bra also increases breast weight as the breasts are essentially swollen from edema. This can make the breasts feel sore when the bra is removed. Fortunately, once the bra is stopped, the breasts can decongest and regain their tone. Many women reported that their breasts rose within a few months of kicking the bra habit.

So here is your challenge. Find a cotton or silk camisole or T-shirt that you feel comfortable in, ditch the bra, and give your breasts a month of no strings attached. Then let us know your results.
If you need more information, visit our website You can also register for this study directly on our website.

The cause of breast cancer must be eliminated if the breast cancer epidemic is to end. It should have been clear decades ago that breast union could lead to cancer and other breast diseases. However, a culture is never objective about its own weaknesses. And with a cancer industry that makes a lot of money treating breast cancer, and a fashion industry that makes a lot of money selling bras, there’s a huge financial incentive for women to keep wearing bras and then treat their breast disease when happen.

SEND RESULTS TO: Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease PO BOX 1880 PAHOA, HAWAII 96778 808-935-5563

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