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Chocolate Brownies: 5 Facts About Brownies You Didn’t Know

Five quick facts below to make your mouth water.

1. The first time the name ‘brownie’ appeared in a recipe book was in the 1896 version of Fannie Meritt Farmer’s Boston School of Cookery Cookbook. This brownie was referring to the tiny versions of cake, not a true brownie like you’d find today.

2. The brownie world was pretty quiet after that: It took nearly 11 years for an actual brownie recipe to appear, also in the Boston Culinary School Cookbook, which was the first time a brownie recipe had ever been published. brownie as we know it today. . I’m not sure if it had color pictures or was referring to using organic or fair trade chocolate, but it was certainly an innovative recipe.

3. One of the most popular stories about the origin of the brownie is told in the Encyclopedia or American Food and Drink, which reports that a housewife in Bangor, Maine forgot to add baking powder to her brownie and therefore his batch did not. ‘ raise successfully. As ever impeccable hostess, she went on and sliced ​​up her now-invented brownie and served it up shamelessly, claiming her new invention.

4. Chocolate brownies are one of the few foods where there is a strong divide between how a brownie should be made. Half the world loves a cake like brownie, while the other half would die without a beautiful chocolate brownie to devour.

5. I personally love chocolate brownies, infinitely more than the cake versions.

So there you have it, just some fudge brownie facts for you. Now go and eat some!

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