Health Fitness

Create optimal health through regular exercise

For those who are constantly ill and forced to make that dreaded visit to their doctor on what seems like a regular basis, optimal health could come in the form of regular exercise and a change in eating habits. It may be vital to carry out a kind of survey about your health.

What seems to be the underlying cause of staying in a continuous state of discomfort?

Here are some questions you could jot down in a notebook and don’t skimp on writing down anything and everything you can think of about how you feel and question yourself about your lifestyle.

be brutally honest with yourself

1. Do you eat a healthy diet or consume a lot of fat and empty calories simply because “you feel like it and it tastes good”? What may taste good may not be good for you or support your health.

2. Do you exercise regularly? Most people think of exercise as jogging or going to the gym and lifting weights or going through a great exercise program.

Believe it or not, eating healthy can be delicious and not as hard as you think. Cut down on red meat, eat free-range chicken or turkey, wild fish (never farm-raised), and at least three servings of vegetables per meal (except for breakfast), and try to cut down on all carbohydrate-laden foods like pancakes and No. the best you can do is eat fried eggs, bacon and sausage once in a while.

you are what you eat

A perfect example of that quote can be seen in the person who has diabetes. A diabetic is resistant to insulin and must be very careful in what they consume. They constantly monitor their blood sugar by using a glucose meter, which means they have to prick their finger or sometimes their arm to get a drop of blood to check their sugar levels.

If a diabetic eats something high in carbohydrates or a meal that is full of carbohydrates and fat, within an hour or two their blood sugar can be off the charts and so high that it can become life threatening. .

This example demonstrates that what we eat directly and almost instantly has an effect on our body. If you are not diabetic, consider yourself lucky that you have time to reverse the potential of developing this debilitating disease.

Why wait until you’re really sick to do something positive for yourself that could impact the rest of your life?

Exercising Every Day Can Keep The Doctor Away

Sure, if you’re feeling fine you don’t need medical attention (except for that regular checkup), but many people who feel fine overdo everything until that fateful day when age and excess catch up with you.

Have you ever noticed that “fit” people seem to have more fun? Naturally, you may feel that you would have to go a long way and work too hard to achieve any level of fitness that could improve your health, but that is not true.

You can start with “baby steps”. Buy some good walking shoes or sneakers made for walking and start walking. You may only be able to walk twenty feet the first day if you’re really out of shape, but keep walking that twenty feet every day, then add five more, then five more, and so on until you get to a mile. .

Obviously, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen, but if you don’t have any serious health problems, they’ll probably encourage and congratulate you on taking charge of your health.

Find a ‘walking buddy’ to join you. There is nothing better than doing something with another person so that both of you can support each other and stay focused on the goal; Get fitter and/or healthier.

Hanging out with a bunch of sick people in a doctor’s office is far less appealing than experiencing the company of fit, vital people who make their health a priority.

Be kind to your heart and it will be kind to you.

Nearly 54% of Americans put off exercising or just don’t even think about it. They believe that working and walking around their offices several times a day, and even their cars, is enough. No, it’s not. Only 22% of Americans get enough exercise for “heart healthy.”

Thousands of medical studies have been conducted over the centuries showing how regular exercise can reduce the need for medical intervention by almost 50%. In addition to strengthening the heart muscle, it can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

For those who wish to lose weight, they can get a quadruple punch. You can be healthier and lose weight.

Your heart is the engine that runs your body. Doing anything and everything possible to strengthen the most important muscle in your body and you need exercise to keep up with the tireless work it does for you every day. For the obese person who can barely walk a few feet without getting out of breath, it means their heart is struggling to handle the extreme load of all that extra weight.

Of course, we don’t discount or discount being overweight because statistics show that nearly 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. Even children are becoming a big block of those who carry too many kilos and it is having a very negative impact on their lives.

They most likely will not live as long as their parents who were overweight as adults. All they need is support, compassion, and someone to provide them with the tools they need to get on the path to wellness. Some will take the call and some will not. Our health and life is our own personal responsibility.

The sedentary lifestyles we live and the fast food that has become second nature and has brought our society to the brink of a health disaster.

According to, a 45-minute light jog can burn up to 653 calories. Instead of watching an hour-long reality show, how about taking a 30-45 minute walk or, if possible, even buying an inexpensive stationary bike and pedaling for 45 minutes during inclement weather?

Do yourself and your family a great favor and give them the gift of health through healthy eating and sensible exercise. Make it a family affair and sit down and plan some healthy meals to keep everyone satisfied, then come up with a fitness plan the whole family can enjoy.

If you can afford one of the games that plug into your TV like Wii, buy one, plug it in and get some of the workout videos and practice using it together a few nights a week, then on a weekend day during good weather, Go out and exercise as a family. Your kids will have a great time and doing it as a family unit will be even more of a blessing to all of you.

The bottom line

Eating healthy and maintaining optimal health not only benefits the heart, arteries, and reduces the risk of many types of cancer, but is also known to reduce risk and can reduce pain, inflammation, stiffness, and agony. of arthritis because it increases the blood supply to the muscles.

An additional benefit could be reduced risk and relief of symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How could you not be in a better mood if you feel good and look great? Get out there now and create optimal health through regular exercise.

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