
Designing your main magnet to influence podcast listeners to become customers

I’ve discussed the importance of using a lead magnet to engage podcast listeners to the point of trading their name and email address for something of high perceived value to them. The entire process is designed to drive listeners to your podcast to make the decision to build a relationship with you. This process is accomplished through a well-designed landing page or lead magnet.

I’ll go into a bit more detail about the five things you’ll need to have in your lead magnet for you to achieve that goal.

Here are the 5 things you need to offer them:

1. Make a specific promise to solve a specific problem, and make it for a specific type of person.

For example: I use my “Podcast Creation Checklist” and inform people, “Follow this list in sequence and when you finish the list, you’ll have your podcast up and running!”

What is the promise: Follow this checklist, and you’ll have your podcast up and running.

What is the only problem: Someone wants to start a podcast but isn’t sure how to do it.

What specific type of person is this for: Someone who wants to start a podcast.

Note: this is not for existing podcasters. It is not for bloggers. It is not for swimming lessons etc.

It is for a specific market segment and solves a problem: How to start a podcast.

Give a promise: Follow the checklist and you’ll have your podcast up and running.

2. Help the person become a buyer by getting them on the road to success.

This means, give them a high value.

Provide them with additional resources in the training.

Give them additional testimonials from those you have helped.

All of this lends itself to building credibility and value in the eyes of your prospect.

3. Make sure you are offering something with a high perceived value in the eyes of the customer.

This is something you have been looking for. This is something they need. This is something that can be put to use right away.

4. Instant gratification and you can implement immediately.

Give them a quick win. Give them something with which they can see progress and success. Don’t send them 29 one-hour videos from 1997!

You need to give them something they have immediate access to and can consume quickly.

In the case of my checklist, the first few steps are very easy to do and you can see the results almost immediately.

5. Tell them what to do next!

This is the “take action” phase and is usually something like “Get your report here” or something similar (as appropriate to your offer).

keep it simple Use it on the button (so don’t use long sentences! Just a couple of words).

When you incorporate these five elements into your landing page or lead magnet, you can see the number of people joining your list grow. More people on your list means more people you can build a business relationship with. The more people you can do that, the more business you will ultimately generate.

By talking about this offer in your podcast, you can direct your listeners to a unique URL on your website. You can also add the URL to your show notes. Remember, you need to make it extremely easy for your listeners to take action! Too many steps and you will lose them.

Build that lead magnet today!

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