
Do boys need more protein than girls?

Proper nutrition for boys and girls varies due to differences in body structure, size, and physical needs. The problem that often arises is determining the main differences between growing children and therefore creating a diet plan that works best for nutritional needs. While many know that girls need more nutrients like iron and calcium, confusion often arises when it comes to the right amount of protein.

Small children:

When children are between the ages of toddlers and seven years old, protein requirements are about the same for boys and girls. During the first years of life, children have similar nutritional needs because their rate of growth is similar. At this age, boys do not have the testosterone levels that older age groups have, and therefore their muscle growth is similar to that of a girl of the same age.

Young children who are not yet in puberty will need plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein for healthy growth. This applies to both boys and girls, so parents should strive to ensure that their children get a variety of foods for proper nutrition.

Early puberty:

Boys and girls usually begin to have rapid growth and physical development from the age of eight or nine. This is when boys and girls will begin to have different nutritional needs. In particular, boys will need more protein to keep up with rapidly developing muscular and skeletal structures, while girls will typically need more calcium and iron to balance menstrual cycles.

Around the age of eight, parents should make sure children get a little more protein in their diet. This doesn’t necessarily mean adding more meat, which could have a higher fat content. Instead, parents should consider adding beans, eggs, brown rice, and nuts to the diet. Girls will need slightly lower amounts of protein because they don’t have the same muscle growth that boys experience during puberty.

Late teen years:

During the late teen years, boys will continue to need more protein than girls for adequate nutritional value. When children are around 14 years old, they will need more calories to support changes in physical activity, growth and physical development. This means that boys will need more protein than their younger years, and girls will generally need more iron.


Protein levels during adulthood vary among individuals, but most men will need slightly more protein than women. On average, women will need about 46 grams of protein, while men will need about 56 grams.

While these overall numbers are a good average, other factors play a role in how much protein your body needs. Physically active adults who exercise frequently or athletes will need more protein due to activity level. Women who are pregnant or nursing will also need higher levels of protein to adequately supply nutrients to the baby and to produce milk.

While a wide range of factors are involved in the proper amount of protein for proper nutrition, children generally need slightly higher levels to support muscle growth. Girls will need less protein due to less muscle mass.

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