
Tips for conducting podcast interviews remotely

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected almost everything that has been done as a professional, and the interview process is no exception. Many speakers and other business professionals have turned to virtual events and interviews since the lockdown in early 2020. With the stay-at-home order, remote interviews have become more popular as it’s easy to conduct any type interview regardless of location or distance.

Platforms for remote interviews

There are several platforms that you can use to conduct remote interviews. It is always recommended to use the well-known and popular ones like Zoom, Skype, Google Duo, Viber and WhatsApp. This is to ensure that the interviewee has easy access to connect with the interviewer. Better yet, a notification or message can be sent to the interviewee a few days before the interview date informing them of the type of virtual platform to use. This ensures that the interviewee can get the video app (if they don’t already have it) and become familiar with the user interface.

Criteria for a quality remote interview

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced more people to work and perform various activities from home, including doing podcast interviews. Professionals who rarely did remote interviews are finding that they are a popular trend. While interviewers and interviewees may have participated in some online meetings, not everyone knows how a virtual interview is conducted. Preparation is required to conduct a quality remote interview. So as the interviewer, setting expectations with your guest about the details of the interview is essential. Let them know who will make the call, what time it should be, the platform you will be using, etc. Making the details of the virtual meeting known to the interviewee will reassure them to be their best for the interview.

Therefore, below are some of the criteria to ensure a smooth remote interview process.

one. Recheck your devices

You should run a quick test on the devices you’ll be using for the interview, whether it’s your phone, laptop, or desktop. You wouldn’t speak well of your competition if you find that your device’s microphone or speaker isn’t working during the interview. Check the resolution of the camera and if it is not high enough, use another device that has a better resolution so that those on the other end can see you clearly. You must run this quick system check on your devices before your scheduled interview time.

two. suitable background

Make sure your background is attractive. Don’t use a loud, gritty, or unprofessional background that shows off your kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom. You can use a simple background (some video apps allow you to do this). Make sure your background is free of distractions from other people working or walking.

Turn off chats and phone alert tones during the interview. You can leave a note on the door stating that you are not available or in an interview. Do not conduct a remote interview in a high traffic area. Use a quiet location as this will help your concentration.

3. look professional

Even if you are at home, dress as if you were conducting an interview in person. If you are the interviewee, don’t wear casual attire, dress to impress those interviewing you. It will leave a positive impression about your attitude and professionalism in the interview.

Four. Pay close attention to the tone of your voice and facial expressions.

Speak clearly and fluently. Also, make sure your voice is calm. Smile and laugh at the right moment, just like you would in person. This will show the person on the other end that you are engaged in the conversation. When you speak, always look at the camera.

5. have a strong closure

When the interview is over, you as the interviewer should inform your guest of the estimated date your interview will be published. Regarding my podcast, for example, I tend to conduct interviews two weeks before the publication date. This allows time to edit and develop social media graphics without the undue pressure of a looming deadline. Your guests will appreciate knowing what the estimated dates are for sharing your interview with the world.

You, as the interviewee, should also ask the questions that are on your mind regarding your interview. Be sure to post any links to your offers, website, etc. that the host can insert into the program notes.

Regardless of whether you are the one conducting the interview or being interviewed, be sure to thank each other for the time you spent together.

7. Where to host the audio or video files of your interview

You can record your interview and put the recorded version on popular hosting sites. If the version of the interview you want to post is a video, you can use YouTube or Vimeo. And in case they are audio-only formats, you can use Apple Podcast (iTunes), Sound Cloud, Libsyn, Smart Podcast Player, Podbean, and many more audio hosting sites that will allow you to reach more audiences.


Interviews are a great way to connect with other influencers, increase your expertise status (both when interviewing and being interviewed), and allow you to continue networking, even during a pandemic.

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