
Doggie steps can save your sanity!

Does your dog bark non-stop when he wants to get to a higher place like your bed or sofa? Mine did until I finally found out just how amazingly dog ​​stairs worked to keep Fido happy and save my own sanity. Why didn’t I find them before?

Seriously, who’s the boss in your relationship? You’ve worked all week and have been looking forward to a relaxing day reading your favorite novel. As you disappear into the magical world of Chapter Two, your crazy canine barks and you literally put your book down, get up from your comfortable chair, pick them up and put them on his favorite furniture. Then two minutes later you are repeating the same process placing them back on the floor.

Now, imagine you’re back in your magical fantasy world when your best friend gives you the “I need a lift” look, which of course you ignore because you’re in your own little world; but this time they forget about the barking and wander with their doggy steps without any intervention on your part. Life is good!

dog stairs to bed (or couch) access gives your dog independence and comfort while protecting his joints from the stress caused by years of jumping. Getting your dog to have its own steps for dogs will be a decision that you will not regret. Dog stairs come in a variety of great designs, so you’re sure to find one that matches your furniture and your dog’s unique style. Whether you like wood, plastic, or bamboo, there are a variety of dog steps for bed and furniture that will give your furry friend independence and restore your sanity.

If you think your dog won’t use dog steps, think again. Training your dog to use doggie steps isn’t difficult; however, it requires patience and a few tricks that can help your dog become more confident.

First, remember that this is like “dog kindergarten,” so introduce your dog to the dog steps slowly. Let them snoop around and feel naturally secure with the steps. Then, use a treat on the first step so that the dog associates the steps with something positive. As your dog gets comfortable with the first step, move a treat to the second step and allow him to get a treat from there. Praise your dog for every little step he takes so he knows he’s doing it right.

You don’t have to conquer the mountain in a day. Even if it takes your dog a few days to really feel safe going up your dog’s stairs by himself, he’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of uninterrupted reading time!

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