Lifestyle Fashion

How to make small talk: you can do it!

Social communication is a very important part of our social skills. Your ability to interact with others in an easy and free manner, with the other party feeling comfortable as well, can be an invaluable asset to you. From time to time, people find themselves in situations where they have to initiate or participate in informal discussions. This is often known as small talk.

While there are some people who seem to instinctively know how to make small talk, others lack the necessary social skills to deal with small talk effectively or even at all. Since small talk doesn’t focus on any particular topic, many people find it difficult to handle it smoothly without stopping like a deer in headlights or simply retreating somewhere else, out of sight.

Situations That Call For Small Talk

There are certain situations where people will engage in informal conversations. Social settings and events account for most of the instances in which you will be required, largely by expectations of social behavior, to interact with others.

Mostly these will be with people you know little to nothing about, other than maybe their name.

For example, conversation starters will come in handy at a party, in an office setting, for striking up a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, and when meeting strangers, whether at a bus stop or while on a flight. In such cases, how well the conversation goes will be largely determined by how one or the other of you breaks the ice.

Advantages of the talks

The advantages of these conversations and discussions cannot be emphasized enough. A talk of this nature can bring many benefits in the future.

In fact, small talk is one of the best ways to meet new people.

Plus, through small talk, a new interest can develop, friendships can blossom, networking opportunities can be created, and everyone involved can be inspired, making them better people in the future.

With the benefits that come with these seemingly unimportant (even trivial) small talk, it is important that people learn the social skills necessary for such informal communication.

Tips on How to Make Small Talk

Using the following tips will result in friendly conversations with strangers that will be fun, informative, and memorable rather than scary events that are best avoided at all costs.

  • Avoid questions that require yes or no answers: open-ended questions have the advantage of allowing the conversation to flow. Questions that require yes or no answers can end the talk after the answer, leaving an embarrassed silence.
  • Build the conversation: You can ask about activities or interests that your conversation partner mentions in the course of the conversation. This will help you build the conversation.
  • Stay on top of current affairs: Small talk is not based on any particular topic. So staying up to date on various topics will help you keep your conversations interesting and informative. Just make sure you avoid controversial topics like religion or politics.
  • Listen to the other person: This is an important communication skill, regardless of whether it’s small talk or a more in-depth conversation. Paying attention will help you be a good listener, which is an equally important skill.
  • Keep your body language in check. Simple things like not crossing your arms, keeping a respectable distance between yourself and the other person, and smiling all help.
  • Practice: Being shy doesn’t improve your social skills! However, practice will help you become a better person to talk to.

Still, the next time you’re at the dentist’s office, in line at the bank, at a party or wedding, or any other public event where you’re meeting new people, striking up a conversation shouldn’t be difficult.

With the tips I just gave you on how to make small talk, you should start to find things gradually getting easier.

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