
Empowered Symbolism: The Royal Wizard Engine

Deep and meaningful symbolism that resonates deep within the mind and soul can be perceived as magic. Although it is much more. It is what connects the productively used imagination with reality. From Nikola Tesla inventing inventions and finally building them physically after much visualization, to Albert Einstein riding the beam of light in his mind, to the deep prayer in the chapel with rosary beads having certain effects, to the deep symbolic intent being fulfilled. from the mind and soul outwards. In fact, the engine of a true magician is that connection between imagination and reality that is productive, not only the effects, but those pure causes that are actually the deepest and most significant symbolism.

“Weirdly” the most practical magic and “mystery” comes through those connections to cause which is purely spiritual and not just “amazing physical effects” and I’m just repeating a version of what Charles Francis Haanel said in the middle of “The Master Key System” and “Mental Chemistry”. In fact, I can honestly echo Arthur Charles Clarke and say that, to the most primitive, magic and technology are virtually indistinguishable until the causes are understood, known, and used regularly.

So when I say that empowered symbolism is the engine of real magic and is mysterious only to those who need to develop or don’t understand it, that’s what I mean: those who can develop will understand, those who can’t will not. That is the true meaning of “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”, anyway. Everything is genuinely possible when the mind is genuinely open in the right way, but when it is closed in the wrong way, nothing is possible.

After all, the understanding mind is simply open to development that is creative rather than linear. What I mean by creative is rationally transcendent work within the laws of reality and not outside of them, and in fact that is not restricted creativity. That’s the ultimate enhancement of creativity. After all, comfort zones and ingrained habits are generally unhealthy unless they are advancing evolutionary and revolutionary realities. In short, as long as it makes you better and not worse, it’s good for you or anyone else open-minded enough to move forward positively.

“To be or not to be? That is the question,” said William Shakespeare, or “I think, therefore I am,” said René Descartes. I simply end with a question: What do you think is real magic and spiritual energy anyway?

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