Legal Law

Goggles provide a variety of eye protection

With today’s medical science and technology, doctors and scientists can do extraordinary things that were unknown just a decade ago; organ transplants, cloning, microsurgery, etc. But even so, we only have one pair of eyes. Many of us enjoy activities or occupations that can cause serious injury and even blindness if we carelessly treat our eyes. This is where a good set of glasses can save our eyes! For example, when you enroll in a welding school, the first thing you’ll learn is that safety glasses are essential to protect your eyes from sparks and gases. Military and law enforcement personnel learn the importance of night vision goggles for reconnaissance missions. In fact, the US military in Iraq now wears goggles to protect their eyes from both blowing sand and the glare of the desert sands.

Sports fans of all stripes know the importance of a well-made pair of eyewear from manufacturers like Smith, Scott, and Oakley. If you ride motorcycles, for example, goggles protect your eyes from debris and insects that, at high speeds, become projectiles that can cause permanent eye damage. Although many cyclists prefer the feeling of freedom of the open road, there is no doubt that glasses and helmets save lives!

Frequent swimmers, especially professional athletes, wear waterproof goggles to prevent eye damage from chlorine in swimming pools and salty ocean water. Long distance swimmers swimming along the Great Lakes or the English Channel find goggles a lifesaving necessity!

Winter sports enthusiasts know how essential goggles are to protect your eyes and increase your chances of gaining champion status among your peers. Ski and snowboard goggles protect these athletes’ eyes from both wind and icy snow and reduce glare from hard white snow. The extreme sports of downhill skiing or snowboarding are extremely dangerous without glasses as essential eye protection.

Are you a shooter who enjoys competition shooting or a big game hunter? You’ll need to add a quality set of glasses to not only keep your vision clear for precise aiming, but also to protect your eyes from high-velocity stray bullet casings that can cause permanent blindness. The bullet casings are very hot from the gunpowder that fires the ammunition; a large, hot casing can cause irreparable damage to the cornea and optic nerve.

Paintball competitions have become enormously popular in recent years; It’s fun, exciting, and unfortunately potentially extremely dangerous without goggles. Military and law enforcement personnel have long used paintball games to determine the accuracy of their abilities to subdue an enemy with a single shot. Without the protection of tight goggles, a paintball in the eye, traveling at around 40 mph, can literally pulverize a human eye in seconds.

It is possible to enjoy the sport and occupation that suits your interests without taking unnecessary risks to your eye health. Goggles, depending on their intended use, are relatively inexpensive compared to your welding torch or snowboard. Why take the risk of a serious injury that is totally preventable?

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