Health Fitness

Hip bath method: hot, cold, neutral and alternative hip bath

Hip baths are one of the most widely used hydrotherapy treatments. In hip baths, the patient has to immerse the hip and the abdominal region below the navel in water. The patient is made to sit in a tube, so that her body rises to the navel from below to be immersed in water. The hip bath is given in hot, cold, neutral and other temperatures.

hot hip bath

A hot hip bath is taken for about ten minutes with 40 to 45 C water. The patient is made to sit in a tub of 40 C water and the temperature is increased to 45 C. The cold compress should be applied to the hip. head. avoiding friction with the abdomen. Before hot hip baths, you need to drink a glass of cold water. After a hot hip bath, a cold shower bath is immediately recommended. One should avoid exposure to cold to avoid chill. This water treatment is helpful in relieving painful menstruation. Reduces enlarged prostate. It is also useful in painful contraction of the bladder, sciatica, hemorrhoids and ovaries.

Cold Hip Bath

For the cold hip bath, keep the water temperature between 10 and 18 C for a period of 10 to 15 minutes, sometimes up to half an hour. If the patient feels cold, an immediately warm foot bath is recommended along with a cold hip bath. Then the patient’s abdomen below the navel should be vigorously rubbed with a damp thick cloth. After bathing, legs, feet and upper body should be dried. Then you should engage in light exercise to warm up the body.

Cold hip bath is a routine treatment for constipation, obesity. Indigestion and regulates the eliminatory organs to function properly. This water treatment also helps in menstrual problems, hemorrhoids, hepatic congestion, prostatic congestion and uterine disorders, infertility, displacement of the uterus and ovaries. It is contraindicated in diseases of the pelvic organs, ovaries and inflammation of the bladder, virginal and rectum.

Neutral Hip Bath

Neutral hip baths is a type of hip bath with 32ºC 36ºC water for 15 minutes to an hour. It relieves acute and subacute inflammations of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and bladder and painful spasm of the vagina, itching of the anus and vulva and acts as a sedative treatment for erotmanis in both sexes.

Alternative hip bath

The patient is made to sit alternately on a hot hip with water at 40ºC and a cold tub at 10-15ºC for about 6 to 8 minutes respectively. The duration of the hip bath is 10-25 minutes. During the treatment, a cold compress is applied to the head and neck. Applying cold water to the hips is the end of the treatment.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the views of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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