
How many guinea pigs should I get?

So you have decided to have guinea pigs but are not sure how many to buy? Well, simply put, it is best to get more than one, as cavies are very social animals in nature. In fact, in the wild they live in herds of around 10 pigs, usually with one male (wild boar), several females (sows) and their young.

Another reason to get more than one guinea pig is to keep them company when you go out and not feel so alone. Some people may have several guinea pigs that are kept in separate huts and let out together to “hang out.” This is a good idea if a little pig doesn’t get along very well with the others in your room, although this rarely happens. Of course, it will be more expensive to keep them in separate cabins, as you will have the additional cost of a cabin and a second batch of bedding, dinner plate, and bottle of water.

Many people have a couple or three guinea pigs together in the same hutch. Of course, no matter how many you get, you will need to have the right accommodations for them and be able to care for them on a daily basis and provide essential daily care, as well as being able to afford them (and food, bedding, and any vet bills).

In general, females get along very well with each other, where, as it is a bit more doubtful with males, they are more likely to become territorial, although this is not always the case. If you get a male and a female, be prepared for the consequences! Remember that for each litter you will have to find suitable homes for each piglet, unless you have to have them all. You can neuter guinea pigs, but this can be quite expensive.

When choosing your new pets, get your guinea pigs from the same litter if possible, as they are more likely to get along.

Before going to a pet store or breeder, decide if you want females or males and how many. Before you buy, watch the guinea pigs play with each other and see which ones are shy and which ones are very confident. When choosing your new pets, it’s best to get ones that are roughly the same temperament and size, as this is more likely to prevent any harassment. However, with any number of guinea pigs, you will most likely get one that acts as the “leader” of the pack, even if there are only two guinea pigs.

Always choose healthy cavies, as a sick guinea pig can transmit the disease to other people you have. Make sure you definitely know what gender your guinea pigs are; You may not want a litter of piglets!

If you already have a guinea pig, then you may want to get another one to keep it company, so keep in mind the personality of the one you have and try to get one that is not intimidated by the pig you already have (or it will try to intimidate you). your existing piglet), as this could lead to problems in the future.

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