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How to avoid anxiety?

Introduction: Anxiety is a psychological disorder caused by certain physiological deficiencies that manifests itself in unpleasant feelings. Anxiety directly affects a person’s way of thinking and can lead to other psychological disorders such as phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression.

Anxiety symptoms: Symptoms include constant worry, tension, headache, nausea, lack of concentration, tiredness, irritability, insomnia, chest pain, shortness of breath, and panic attacks.

Causes/Epidemiology: The causes of anxiety can be genetic, environmental, chemical alterations in the brain. Anxiety can be inherited from ancestors due to genetic makeup. Various neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain may also be responsible factors. Some life events such as divorce, abuse, breaks in personal relationships, trauma, death of loved ones, repeated changes of work / school or university, conflicts between parents, job loss, etc. ., can also cause anxiety.

Diagnosis: There are no specific laboratory tests available for the diagnosis of anxiety, although anxiety can be reported by a doctor through a psychological evaluation, medical history, and patient counseling, that is, asking questions about disastrous events or stressful conditions that have taken place in the different stages of the patient’s life. Anxiety is diagnosed if the symptoms are present for more days over a period of at least six months. The symptoms must also interfere with daily life, such as causing the patient to miss work or school.

Treatment: Anxiety can be treated with medication, behavior therapy, or a combination of both. Medications include some antipsychotics and antidepressants. While behavioral therapy includes changing thought and behavior patterns through personalized counseling. There are various drawbacks of medications like drug dependency, drowsiness and some sexual problems.

Can anxiety be prevented? : Although in all circumstances it cannot be said that anxiety can be prevented, there are several measures that can cause a significant reduction in incidents of anxiety. These include:

Counseling and support after a traumatic or upsetting experience

· Maintain the health of your body and mind with a healthy diet, regular exercise and some brainstorming games like puzzles, case studies, etc.

· Have a good, deep and sufficient sleep, that is, avoid going to bed late and falling asleep.

· Enjoy every moment of life and offer prayer to God daily.

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