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Hypnosis can make you feel relaxed and calm, but it won’t make you bark like a dog.

Hypnosis for Stress Management

Hypnosis for stress management empowers the patient to virtually never bother about anything. That’s right, anything!

Unfortunately, most stress management programs fail. In today’s cost-cutting, lean, stingy, downsized, or redesigned companies, businesses, organizations, and governments, burnout, depression, battle fatigue, and burnout are rampant.

Employees fear losing their job (the number one concern). They experience increased work pressure, job complexity and bitter competition. Counting emotional crises, heart attacks, substance abuse and all the rest, what is the price of stress? Research reveals a mind-boggling amount of $500 billion!

Current stress management techniques do not manage stress. These techniques release stress based primarily on exercise or focus on solving a real problem, such as skill improvement or time management. These approaches are “palliative” at best. They hide or cover up the pain caused by stress without curing it.

Stress is insidious. It can sneak up on you like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey. Stress can hit you in the stomach like a kick from a horse and make you collapse in agonizing pain. Stress can scream in your head like a flaming rocket. Stress is downright debilitating and renders your immune system as impotent as a gelding. When you experience illness or pain, you want to know why. He wants to know the cause. And then you want to know the cure.

Stress is no different. So what is the solution? Easy. Learn to change the way you think, which in turn changes how you feel. You are taught, through hypnosis, how to live rationally in an irrational world. You learn effective ways to laugh your way to your emotional bank, tapping into unadulterated health and happiness. The most important idea you will learn was enunciated by the famous Roman Stoic philosopher Epictetus in the 1st century AD. C.: “People are not disturbed by things, but by the opinions they have about them.”

Our stress management hypnosis is a practical, action-oriented approach to emotional management and enhancement of personal growth. It focuses on the here and now, on changing maladaptive behaviors and beliefs that sabotage a more fulfilling life experience. This highly specialized stress management hypnosis program helps free you to work on what you can change and react with less discomfort to things that cannot be changed. You gain self-acceptance and emotional stability.

Recent research indicates that 68% of the US population is overweight and 18% are smokers over the age of 24. However, you may be surprised to learn that 95% of the world’s population suffers from stress to varying degrees. Psychologically, a normal person is someone who is minimally anxious and minimally upset (angry and/or depressed). Nobody is perfect! So, we are bound to experience at least a slight degree of stress. Therefore, only about 5% of us are truly normal, psychologically speaking.

A University of Florida psychologist says hypnosis can help people deal with issues ranging from stress to cancer. “It’s been shown to be very effective in treating everything from tobacco addiction to post-traumatic stress syndrome and other war veterans,” said James Morgan, a consulting psychologist and hypnosis expert, “Hypnotized patients can exert greater control over bodily functions… Hypnosis is the only reasonable alternative for people who are allergic to anesthesia…”

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