
Is there a miracle cure for diverticulitis?

In the midst of acute diverticulitis, you will try to recover almost any idea. Colic, diarrhea, and fever are classified as some of the worst types of pain by experts.

Diverticulitis is caused by the processed foods that people eat these days. That means you can create an effective cure for diverticulitis when you eat good, natural foods with the right supplements.

Commit now to eating healthy meals. Eat fruits and vegetables. Eat raw and unprocessed foods. Cut back on meat, or cut it out altogether, and get your protein from beans and bananas.

When you cook something, all the enzymes die. That is why it is essential to eat raw food. Make salads the center of your dinner and use meat as a garnish if you continue to eat meat.

Commercial fruit juice is nothing more than sugar water with some chemicals mixed in. Get yourself a juicer and make fresh juice whenever you want to drink your fruit. Make sure your juicer creates juice with the pulp intact so that you get the fiber and nutrition that the pulp contains.

Chew your food more, load with food that contains a lot of water. Foods without much water content build up in your digestive system, increasing the level of pressure in your colon and making you more likely to have more problems.

Make sure you drink enough water. Women need about eight glasses of water a day and men about twelve glasses. You will get about 4 cups from eating foods rich in water, which means you need to drink another 4 to 8 cups to reach your goal.

In recent years, we have learned how bad bottled water is for the environment. Buy yourself a filtration system that you can use at home and use it to produce the healthy water you need. Because bottled water is so expensive, a good filter is a great investment.

Aim for a gluten-free diet. Wheat and other grains are now to blame for many diseases in addition to the celiac disease that we are all familiar with. Gluten weakens the bonds between the cells in the colon wall, which can increase the likelihood that more diverticula will form.

The consumption of milk, cheese and yogurt should be drastically reduced. Milk may be liquid, but it is a liquid that does not contain much water. If you drink milk because you are thirsty, you are actually only increasing your thirst. Worse still, dairy foods are treated by pasteurization, so all the life-giving enzymes are cooked. Add in the raging debate about the hormones dairy cattle are treated with, and you have every reason to cut dairy out of your diet altogether.

Most people consume a certain amount of alcohol and caffeine, but it really does need to be kept to a minimum. Alcohol and caffeine absorb water from your system, and your body has to divert some of its digestive energy to remove the toxic effects of those two products.

Use food combining to lighten your body’s digestive workload. Scientists have shown that your body uses one set of chemicals to process acidic foods and a different set of chemicals to process foods that are on the low-acid end of the scale. Simply grouping your meals into “protein” and “starch” categories, and using those groups to create your menu, will allow your body to speed the meal through your system seamlessly.

You may have tried aloe vera lotion if you ever got sunburned. It is widely known for its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. You can use the healthy properties of aloe vera to help your digestive tract recover from an attack; just be sure to buy a supplement that has been manufactured correctly, so that it has not lost its healing power.

Although they are often marketed as “colon cleansing” products, fiber supplements are a vital part of your plan to prevent future bouts of diverticulitis. High fiber intake is critical to reducing pressure levels within your colon, and the only way to maintain the high levels your doctor recommends is to supplement.

Most of the good colon cleansing products also contain probiotics. If they are not included in the package with the cleaner, the manufacturer will offer them as a separate product. Either way, you need to increase your enzymes and probiotics are the product that will do it for you.

Herbal teas are a great addition to your diet. They lower your stress level, helping your system focus on creating the diverticulitis cure you’re looking for.

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