Health Fitness

Joint Pain During Menopause Requires Your Attention

Many women experience joint pain symptoms of menopause. Medical experts have investigated the connection between hormonal changes and this type of pain.

Some women experience joint and muscle pain, mouth discomfort, headaches, and some even report heart palpitations. Interestingly, women suffering from tension headaches, abdominal pain or facial pain noted that their symptoms decreased after menopause. Today’s scientists feel that there may, in fact, be a link between estrogen, hormone levels, including their fluctuations, and this phenomenon.

Menopause and joint pain: symptoms of menopause

Menopause occurs when a woman stops ovulating and her period stops. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, with an average age of about 50 years. However, around 1% reach it before the age of 40, which is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure.

The most apparent changes recorded are related to changes in the menstrual cycle, changes in the bleeding pattern, hot flashes, sweating, and urinary problems, such as incontinence or increased frequency of urination. Dry vagina, mood swings, muscle weakness, joint pain, and weight changes are symptoms of menopause and can cause a lot of pain and general discomfort in different parts of the body.

Menopause and irritability: the risks

Menopause is a very important time in a woman’s life and all women who live past 40 must bear the brunt of this condition. A woman’s body goes through many changes that can affect her social life, her feelings about herself, and how she functions at work. In the past, many misconceptions and myths surrounded menopause, but this perception has changed. Now, menopause is accepted as a natural step in the aging process.

Contrary to the outdated view that life is downhill after menopause, many women today realize that the years after menopause offer new discoveries and new challenges. Modern medical advances have resulted in a wide range of healthcare options, especially for joint pain and bone deficiency issues.

These can improve quality of life during menopause and the decades that follow. It is vital that women know that menopause itself does not carry serious health risks. However, the chance of heart disease and osteoporosis (thinning of the bones due to the body’s inability to produce bone tissue) increases after menopause. Understanding menopause and the range of treatment options can help women make better decisions about their health.

Menopause and irritability: causes and symptoms

Research has shown that a quarter of women have no problems during menopause, while half will have some problems and the remaining quarter will have significant problems, including joint pain.

These are often associated with osteoporosis and arthritis, leading to weakened bones and degeneration of cartilage between joints that can easily fracture after a fall.

Fluctuating estrogen levels and poor estrogen elimination can affect how your joints feel. It stands to reason that some women also experience joint pain in response to the hormonal fluctuations so common in perimenopause. It is important that you are checked for osteoporosis or arthritis by your primary care physician.

Menopause and Irritability: Treatment

There are also medications and exercises you can get to overcome the more severe joint pain associated with menopause. Some of these treatments include the use of steroids, so it is essential to make this type of decision together with your own doctor.

It is also prudent to check for the possibility of side effects from the use of these medications and to obtain a second opinion before embarking on long-term treatment.

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