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Klingon 101 weapons

Klingon weapons are used by the humanoid race called the Klingon that appears in the popular Star Trek series. The Klingons were first introduced to the Star Trek universe during the Mercy Message episode. A humanoid race, they are the main antagonists of Star Trek: The Original Series, to later become the allies of the United Federation of Planets.

Klingon battles are sacred matters and many ceremonies are involved. As such, their weapons are held in high esteem and their weaponry has evolved over time into more complicated forms. The most traditional form and one of the oldest without a doubt is the Bat’leth. A two-handed sword, this weapon is an iconic item of the Klingon Empire, recognized throughout the world as a traditional Klingon weapon.

The Klingon Bat’leth is made in a crescent shape with four pointed ends. Although it is not used in battle as much as it used to be, it is still always present in ceremonies and rituals performed by the Klingon race. The Mek’leth is another Klingon weapon and is very similar in appearance to the Bat’leth, however it represents more of a combat knife than a sword. Typically one foot long, this weapon is very intimidating and is a common weapon of choice in Klingon battles.

The D’k tahg is another very popular Klingon weapon, used as a concealed weapon, as it is much smaller compared to the size of the formidable Mek’leth and Bat’leth. In addition to being great for concealment, it is also a deadly throwing weapon. At the touch of a button, two additional sheets pop out from the sides to accompany the main sheet.

Another lesser known weapon is the Jejtaj. It could be compared to the brass knuckles of today. Another ancient Klingon weapon is the Chonnaq, although this weapon is archaic and predates most Klingon history books. Klingon weapons are a very important part of Klingon tradition and culture. Seeing that battle is such a ceremonial event, you must choose your weapons carefully.

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