
Male libido – Foods to increase male libido naturally

You are what you eat. It is essential that you feed your body the right foods, with the right nutrients, and you will not only improve your sexual health, but also your overall health at the same time. Let’s see some foods to increase libido naturally.

Raise dopamine levels!

The following foods will increase levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that influences sexual desire: they are: cottage cheese, steak, low-fat yogurt, and any oily fish.

Oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring) are rich in Omega 3, which increases blood flow around the body and to the genitals; for a strong libido, strong blood circulation and healthy blood vessels are needed.

Healthy Blood Circulation

For the health of blood vessels take – Cherries, raspberries, black currants and aborigines. These foods are rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant that helps prevent the buildup of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels and thus maintains smooth blood circulation.


It is good for the motility and mobility of spermatozoa and almost 50% of the selenium in a man is in the seminal tests and ducts. Getting enough selenium is vital for peak sexual performance. Oily fish is a great source of selenium, as well as crab, shellfish, cashews, soybeans, and Brazil nuts.

You need these minerals!

One mineral that is crucial for sexual drive is zinc. It has been referred to as the sex mineral; Zinc not only helps produce testosterone, but also helps maintain semen volume and proper testosterone levels; maintain sexual desire and keep sperm healthy.

Make sure you get plenty of crab, multigrain bread, oysters, red meat, and oily fish.

You also need a lot of iron, it can also cause fatigue and low libido so eat lean red meat, dark meat turkey, chicken, eggs and yea again! – Oily fish; all of these are a good source of iron.

Use these herbs in cooking!

Both the Chinese herbs ginger and garlic can act as libido enhancers as they are great for circulation and get the blood flowing throughout the body.

Strong blood flow is crucial for optimal sexual health and these herbs are well known and do you good.

If you have a diet based on the above foods, you will have a great diet to boost your sexual desire.

super charging your libido

If you add some specialized herbs as well, it can really send your sex drive into overdrive and some of the best ones are listed below…

jujube fruit

The jujube date is a sweet fruit that helps relieve the following: fatigue, weakness, restlessness. The herb contains vitamins A, B-2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and complex sugars. This herb nourishes the blood and gives you a lot of energy, to keep you in the mood.

schisandra berries

Schizandra berries are an ancient Chinese aphrodisiac that increases sexual stamina and strengthens the sexual organs; it also helps fight fatigue and stress.

Ginseng, Cnidium, Ginkgo Biloba can also be added to the above.

These herbs help keep blood flowing strong and blood vessels healthy, as well as helping to produce nitric oxide (the chemical that, when taken, causes an erection) as well as increasing testosterone levels.

Increased sex drive – Better health!

The above diet and specialized herbs will boost your sex drive and if you don’t like cooking libido-boosting foods, you can also get them in herbal sex pills that are mixed together to give you a dose of libido-boosting goodness at the same time. .

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