
Mega/Maha’s views on trust

Confidence must be among the most fascinating words in the English language as it connects the spiritual realm with the practical one. See for yourself: trust simultaneously describes an undoubted sense of certainty in a favorable outcome, while also defining a legal arrangement through a fiduciary relationship. Clearly this little word has the power to unite heaven with earth! No wonder it takes us a little while to get used to it! “In God, we tUSt,” which stamps our US currency, is a direct illustration of its bridging power. Surely there is great wealth to be recovered by being confident. However, how do you get into it? Where do you buy it?

1. Order

Confidence involves embracing a bigger picture than the little me, who wants its “due” rewards, its gratification here and now… While the little me makes it all about me, confidence embraces a bigger perspective, that of community. This is how you write TRUST, because it is about US, all about Joining our states to our Spirit, because then we can trust. Trust calls on you to let go of the needs of the little self long enough for you to become aware of your surroundings and realize that events do not happen arbitrarily, but rather reflect an underlying, potentially divine order where everything works in the right way. interdependent, where there are no favorites, but an orchestrated symphony of goodness, a magical network that distributes blessings to each of us with equanimity….

2. Brave

Confidence implies having the courage to wait for the good, the true and the beautiful to appear. It is a process well known to true artists, who do not act until inspiration prompts them to create. The movie “Jackson Pollock” offers a perfect example of this, when the artist, having received the most important commission of his life, is filmed, waiting and waiting and waiting some more, simply starring on the canvas. His girlfriend, worried, tried to force him to paint, without success. Gently ushering her out of her study, as if no thought could distract him from waiting for her beloved, he returned to actively listening to her. For him, time did not exist: he knew without a doubt that the beloved, the inspiration, would come… That requires tremendous courage. That’s HEART!

3. Cooperation

Confidence doesn’t offer pressure, tension, or frustration: instead, it gives you the opportunity to take full responsibility and merge seamlessly with the task at hand. This partnership with the divine is an evolved friendship in which no participant is sidetracked, abandoned, or betrayed. Never in this co-creation is there a sense of victimhood, of false expectations, of irrational demands that ruin the spirit of love and limit excellence. By no means passive, but an act of willing participation in the workings of the universe, trust is relaxed enough, easy enough, playful enough, light enough, that things happen for the good of all, naturally. By doing your part, your work becomes worship, and your doing becomes a prayer that has no attachment to the result… Delicious!

4. Economy

Economy is such an economic word: I love it! And, in fact, distrust is both contracting and costly, and yes, I checked my spelling! Think of all the mistakes you made, because you didn’t have the heart to wait for the right romantic partner, the right house, the job that would truly fulfill your sense of self! Even in the smallest decisions, where would you be if you had the patience to wait your turn, whether it’s shopping for socks, talking to a cashier, driving… Wouldn’t that confidence save you some inconvenience, dollars, and challenging emotions? “You can’t rush love, no, you just have to wait…”

5. Integrity

Generally not influenced by the opinions of others, people who trust are their own teachers and know themselves to be perfect, whole, complete and connected, as my Goddess friend would say. Doubt is seen as an outsider’s opinion, an unwelcome intrusion into your mental space. Nor do they expend energy descending into the sickening pit of worry. So that? They resolved at some point to starve his ego by not feeding him proud worry… Worry as an expression of pride? Think about it: when you worry, aren’t you competing against kindness? Aren’t you putting your money into not trusting God (what irony!)? Aren’t you betting that there is no God, no good, no grace, and no celebration? Integrity begins at home, and builds a foundation that has no cracks, and no room for doubt or worry… Integrity is a whole, not a hole.

6. Discernment

Discernment is another big problem. I often hear how difficult it is to recognize the ego’s voice of truth. And how true is that statement? It really all boils down to the powerful serenity prayer of the 12 climbers: discernment is simply the wisdom to know the difference. And the truth is, you will only end your smoking addiction when you are. You only finish when you do, not a minute before or after, either from overeating or worrying. Whether overworked or arguing. When it’s over, it’s over, and you’ll know it. Anything else is trying, not trusting! So the next time you’re confused, see if you can accept that you’re not quite ready for how the truth is going to change your life. Discernment is just that: the willingness to know the difference between stage 1 (accept) and stage 2 (transform). Therefore, discernment asks you to grow up and take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. “I did! I’m confused: that must be perfection!”

7. Paradox

The beauty of the trust challenge is that it is a paradox, in that it requires you to stop wanting to know or wanting to be right. That is an enormously important issue, an issue that is the most terrifying experience for humans… In fact, it is much easier to buy insurance, hire a fortune teller, invest in strategies and techniques, analyze the courses of the stars, and listen forecasts, JUST TO RELAX. Until the day when all the strategies, all the charts, all the plans, all the security devices fall apart. And that’s the good news, because this rupture can be a great step forward to allow your metaphorical peace tent to be built, without a roof, just so we can see the stars before falling asleep… Or waking up, in peace and that’s it . relaxed, because you came to trust your lucky star, instead of questioning it!

8. Give up

As I write these words, I can’t help but take a deep breath. Because I know how much I’ve worried, intrigued, manipulated and tried. I know how hard I tried (that word, again) to control a particular outcome. I know how much I worked to lose weight, how much energy I put into building my business, how long I searched for love… If these words are touching you, if the truth of my heart reaches you, if you are tired and if you have followed so many paths, You have moved so many stones and still haven’t found peace, so stop. That’s right: just STOP, right here, right now. And I don’t mean indulge in ice cream if your weight is a concern. I don’t mean don’t call your clients. I mean stop the madness. I mean relax. I want to take a breath with myself right now. I mean look around the room you’re in. Yes, drop this page from the computer and just look around you. Go follow a butterfly. there is life You are not alone. And you are invited. To come!

9. Totality

Yes, the invitation is complete. There’s no going back, or you’ll turn into a pillar of salt: not a good deal, I promise! You cannot half-surrender, no more than you can half-forgive, no more than you can half-commit, or half-trust. Either you do or you don’t. You have to let the orgasm of the soul fully ride you and take you, helpless, to the ecstasy of your true self. You have to know in your heart that you will be fine on the other side. Yes, it is a passage, a kind of death. Totally! However, do you like what you have now so much that it’s worth keeping? I don’t think so… I have always found that the pain was before making the decision. That’s why we talk about cold feet before getting married. The whole is a love story. The whole jumps up fiercely and answers yes, a big YES, a “I do.” The whole trusts, wholeheartedly.

10. Freedom

The memory of that moment is etched in my heart forever, when Byron Katie, one of my beloved teachers, responded to my expressed jealousy at seeing her have everything: “Yes, honey, I have everything I want because I want everything I want. there are. “I knew that for her it was true. True that she wanted it all. That she finally had no parts within her that were attached to an opinion, a preference, an idea, a judgement, an expectation. That all the complexes, all the contractions they were gone. Gone forever. That what was left was an open heart, an open hand, a compassionate listening and a willingness to serve, no matter what, ready to do whatever it takes. I can’t stop gasping as I I settle as I would in a really cold bath, little by little, in the freedom to want it all, sickness and health, poverty and wealth, birth and death: what a journey! what an adventure! what a delight trust can be!

Mahalene is an inspirational anchor, artist, author, and president of Soulvision Axis, Inc., a company that helps visionaries unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit. She is the author of the Ten Techniques for Living with a Heart, the result of 22 years of study and experience in creativity, communication, and human development.

Beyond the various local publications and national ezines to which she is a regular contributor, she currently blogs ( and publishes a monthly ezine, Stop Trying, Start Trusting Mahazine, aimed at visionaries, holistic coaches and consultants on the path to the birth of your personal and professional leadership. She also offers a seven-week mini-course, madness from the heart, and inspirational mini-films. Please feel free to view her work;

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