Lifestyle Fashion

Muscle Building Workouts: Get Huge Quads in 30 Days

For most people, training their legs is something they would like to skip. I know a lot of guys who ignore leg training and spend all their time doing upper body muscle building exercises. This type of training will eventually hamper overall upper body mass because only to a point will your body allow you to get blown out of proportion. If you have a low pain tolerance or don’t mind having skinny legs, you should go read another article. Here’s a workout you can do for 5 to 6 weeks and it will add a whole inch or more to your legs. I used it once for 5 weeks to gain 1 1/4 inches on my legs.

I have shown this workout to many others and those who stuck with it achieved the same kind of gains. If you want to impact rapid growth in your legs, then you must try this. One thing to be prepared for is being sore for 5-6 days and then when it’s time to exercise again, the pain will be gone, so you’ll spend the next month walking fun. You know what they say, no pain, no gain! You want your bodybuilding workouts to deliver results, don’t you?

This is a simple exercise that will completely exhaust your thighs, so don’t let its simplicity fool you. It focuses on gaining raw strength and has an element for maximum hypertrophy. Here’s the plan –

leg press – first you need to warm up your joints well. Do a couple of sets with a very light weight for 12 to 15 repetitions. Then you are going to perform a pyramid of 10,8,6,4,2 repetitions. Increase the weight on each set and choose a weight that allows you to fight for that last rep. You’re going to need to rest 2 full minutes on sets 1, 2 and 3 and then 3 full minutes between sets 4 and 5 when you’re doing the lower reps.

Triple Leg Press Set – This could be the most painful thing you’ve ever tasted. You may have done drop sets with biceps or shoulders, but doing a triple drop set with a leg exercise is something else entirely. You’re working your largest muscle group in your entire body, so the pain and lactic acid buildup will be immense. You need to get through this set and enjoy the painful burn. Think of the guaranteed results you’ll get by following the muscle-building workouts that are proven to deliver.

For those of you who don’t know what a triple drop set is, here’s what they do. Return the weight to the leg press you used for 10 reps. Go complete the training failure with that set and then take about 50% of the weight off. Then repeat as many times as possible without resting between sets. Once you reach failure, remove another 50% of the weight. Continue exercising them with even the smallest weight until your legs no longer move. This will hurt, but it will provide the stimulation that will ensure the growth of new legs.

light squats – Yes the dreaded squat. Leg muscle strengthening workouts wouldn’t be complete without squats! Did you really think you’d be lucky enough to see a leg workout that didn’t include squats? I call these light squats because now your thighs are so exhausted from that triple set that you’ll need to use very light weight. Pick a weight where you can only do 8 to 10 reps. You are going to do 3 sets to failure with 2 minutes rest between sets. Go a little past parallel so you can get a good glute activation.

leg extensions – 1 set of triple drops. That’s it, you don’t need more than 1 game here.

leg curls – 1 set of triple drops. Push this as hard as possible and make your hamstrings scream!

This workout will take about 30-35 minutes and is all you need. Bodybuilding workouts should be short and intense. Don’t stay put and try to make a half-hearted attempt at calf work or anything else. If you really did this workout with 100% effort and pushed those sets to the max, you won’t have anything left mentally to work any other muscles.

This is very strenuous so I suggest taking some BCAAs pre-workout to help reduce muscle breakdown and you absolutely must consume 40-50 grams of whey protein within 30 minutes of this workout to get you started. to recover. Don’t waste time killing yourself in the gym doing crazy muscle-building exercises if you don’t plan on getting the nutritional components your body needs to grow.

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